Bugs that make me log out and back in are the most annoying to me. The old quest log bug was like that. Now the mouse wheel bug is really annoying to me. What bug bugs you the worst?
Bugs that make me log out and back in are the most annoying to me. The old quest log bug was like that. Now the mouse wheel bug is really annoying to me. What bug bugs you the worst?
Had stuck cloudkill yesterday, very annoying, but luckily logging out and back in fixed the problem.
Also had that bug with Mentau's fire shield, which was just awful.
Khyber - Arnonech/Dracnair/Rakashai/Arashtol
"That's Khyber for you - even when we're nice we are crushing dreams."
Haven't heard anyone else mention this, but when I file a bug report in-game the bug report screen causes my graphics to glitch. I can fix it by using Adv Graphics - Sync Refresh but it's annoying.
Yes, I bug reported it!![]()
Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.
The ladder glitch is my absolute least favorite.
Exalted Tyrants-Anemoi-
-Cranke A Tune-
-Crankke Some Heals-
Being pelted with ranged attacks, hit or miss it jerks the camera around and its really annoying, not to mention the disorientation factor when enemies are trying to pone you from multiple directions.
Add that with a ladder bug with a touch of lag and its a total egg beater effect...good times![]()
Wits and swords are as straws against the wisdom of the Darkness___Conan the Cimmerian
Gnomes taste like mushrooms...jus say'n
Order of the Stick http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html
Speccing air savant after u9 only to find chain lightning is bugged (will only arc 2-3 times in large groups, electric loop sla will hit all) was particularly annoying, not sure if they fixed it yet.
All time least favorite was the myriad of bugs we had when running Abbot post 9.1 - multiple infernos at a time, incurable curses, broken ioun stones (not permanent) and general awfulness.
ladder bug is up there, though (and its sibling, the jumping-while-in-water bug that does the exact same thing).
Fear the Koala.
Jial, Wyllywyl, and an ever-changing list of alts.
The mouse wheel issue doesn't require you to log out. You can still use the + and - on your number pad to zoom the camera. Granted, it doesn't fix the problem, but it's a useful workaround.
As for bugs that bug me... The ever-broken handwraps are definitely high on my list.
Khyber is my home
Speaking of handwraps.. why are devotion (+1 holy etc) giving me a better to hit than a +3 two-hander (both not in stance).
Most annoying?
1-ladder bug. even if I jump to the very top of the **** thing, *** is it still bugging out?!
2-having to open the details section in the inventory panel - the one that shows weapon/ac/dr etc. It used to be open by default, now its just annoyingly closed.
3-the way the mouse pointer snaps to center when you are clicking through conversation with responses if you dont have your inventory panel open.
4-the frikking annoying clickie bug. Try using a clickie (like sup ardor etc) while running & jumping, 50% of the time it wont register, but still activate the cooldown.
Actually, 1 & 4 grind my gears the most. 4's by far the most ****ing off
mouse wheel, occurs after about 5 log-in/outs and then I slowly zoom out with - key
Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq
The bug that annoys me the most is............................... The devs d9o not balance the new content and the KNOWN ISSUES in updates.
They could do one update of bug fixes (I do not expect them to get 'em all all in 1 update) and then do an update of new content.
All the bugs annoy me. Even the ones I have never encountered. They annoy me because they annoy fellow players.
I don't know if anyone else has had this glitch, but the one that bothers be most is when the UI becomes uninteractable with the mouse. You can click on your hotbars or menus as many times as you want, but nothing happens. If you have a key bound to an action, that will work, but even when talking to NPCs, it won't allow you to select a dialog choice with the mouse. Logging out might work, but I can't click on "log out." It really bugs me on my rogues because I usally don't bind all of my equipment and trap actions. I know the game still knows where the UI is, because if I have my mouse pointer over part of the UI, I can't attack. (Something else that really annoys me.) I can't even finish out of a quest.
Sometimes it clears up on its own, sometimes I have to restart by using Alt+F4 or shutting it down through task manager. I've had this happen occasionally since about 3 years ago and I've never figured out what triggers it. It seemed to happen a lot in the Red Fens when it was first released, but I've had it happen in other places like Sorrowdusk or the Necropolis. Really annoying.
The hotbar tooltip bug annoys the **** out of me.That's the one where for some reason it wont' display the tooltip on hover over an item on the hotbar, yet will do so quite happily when you hover over the same item in your inventory or ability in your character sheet. This wouldn't be half as annoying if there weren't so many items and ability with the same icons, of course.
The next most annoying is the one where the tooltip only appears for a fraction of a second then vanishes again. Irritating.
More or less mentioned in the post above: why please don't they get unique icons done? It's not trivial but should be far less work then textures and 3D models. It looks so unprofessional to have placeholder icons like the ! and that one even used on a lot of stuff. Or having 3+ rage icons with very slight differences and different counters.
Also highly annoying is the PA starting off bug, especially since all other toggle feats are remembered. I've had it more then once that I had to restart the client due to some bug in a quest and wanting to catch up or not holding the party any longer I completely miss it until I wonder why my damage is so low...
any bug that prevents you from completing a quest.
my experience: Enter the Kobold, kobold boss dies but barrier to chest doesnt lower and Quest objective doesnt register as complete.
a VIP in the group bug reported, and an hour later a GM still had not responded
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith
-- Celben 20/5 Cleric -- Dhoh 20 Barbarian -- Ghorgal 20/3 Fighter -- Mhysterious 20 Sorcerer - Perfekto 20 Bard -- Phatality 20/5 Wizard -- Proque 16 Rogue -- Roboarcher 16 Artificer -- Slithis 20 Ranger -- Tiarana 17 Barbarian, 4th Life -- Ugok 13 Fighter -- Xhenophobe 20/2 Wizard -- Yeung 9 Monk -- Zaturn 13 Favored Soul, 4th Life --
-- Celben 20/5 Cleric -- Dhoh 20 Barbarian -- Ghorgal 20/3 Fighter -- Mhysterious 20 Sorcerer - Perfekto 20 Bard -- Phatality 20/5 Wizard -- Proque 16 Rogue -- Roboarcher 16 Artificer -- Slithis 20 Ranger -- Tiarana 17 Barbarian, 4th Life -- Ugok 13 Fighter -- Xhenophobe 20/2 Wizard -- Yeung 9 Monk -- Zaturn 13 Favored Soul, 4th Life --
OMG...for all this time i thought i was the only one expiriencing this awefull, annoying bug!
It hits the highest top of my bug-list. Heck it would even be the only one, cause all the other bugs don't seem to hit me, or just don't annoy me that hard [knock on wood to keep it like that]
/signed FHOWDTOH*
*fix hover over won't display tooltip on hotbar
~Being defeated is only a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent.~
~ The Thieves Guild Argonnessen ~ Valentine 2011 <3 Most Romantic Guild