Hi. this is my 2nd toon, just to make sure he's not gimped. Im also not aware of the changes to the game over the months since i played him last December. Are the stats alright? And what direction do u think i need to take him?
class: monk
lvl: 10
race: elf
align: Lawful neutral
current stats:
str: 12
dex: 22
con: 12
int: 8
wis: 15
cha: 8
hp: 154
ki: 14/150
ac: 22 +2
fort: 8
reflex: 13
will: 9
BAB +7 +10
Spell res: 0
Fort: 0
Resistances: 4/4/4/4/4
(Total Mod/Rank/Ability Mod/Misc Mod)
Balance 16 8 +6 +2
Bluff -1 0 -1 0
Concentration 14 11 +1 +2
Diplo -1 0 -1 0
Disable n/a
Haggle 1 0 -1 +2
Heal 2 0 +2 0
Hide 6 0 +6 0
Intimidate -1 0 -1 0
Jump 14 11 +1 +2
Listen 4 0 +2 +2
Move silently 12 6 +6 0
Open lock n/a
Perform n/a
Repair -1 0 -1 0
Search 1 0 -1 0
Swim 1 0 +1 0
Tumble 9 1 +6 +2
UMD 0 1 -1 0
Feats taken:
Improved two weapon fighting
stunning fist (not sure if taken or free)
two weapon fighting
improved two weapon fighting
weapon finesse
path feats:
path of inevitable dominion: fists of darkness
Curse of the Void
racial feats:
immunity to sleep
elven keen senses
enchantment save bonus
monk feats:
fast movement
improved evasion
wholeness of body
still mind
slow fall
purity of body
moment of clarity
flurry of blows
fast movement
AC bonus
Elven Dexterity I
Monk: Air Special attacks: Static charge
Monk: Way of Air: Adept of Wind: Storm Strike II/Wind Stance
Monk: Animal paths: Way of the Clever Monkey I/II
Monk: Dark special attacks: touch of death
Monk: Water/Earth/Fire special attacks I
Racial Toughness I/II
Skill: Balance: Improved balance I/II
Skill: Concentration: Improved concentration I/II
Skill: Jump: Improved jump I/II
Skill: Tumble: Improved tumble I/II
Stat: Monk Wisdom I