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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default What spells hirelings can cast

    Hireling caster have a couple of different lists of spells. They have spells that are clickies and which you can use at any time. They have a set of spells that their description says they will cast. And, according to the Compendium entry, they have other spells that they know.

    These "other spells" that they know. Is this something that they will cast, or are they there merely for the sake of "completion" in creating a fully rounded out character?

    For instance, Flare has Repair Light and Repair Moderate. But the description says that they will cast Repair Moderate. Does that mean they won't ever cast Repair Light?

  2. #2
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Should find more information there.

    EDIT: closer here: not posotive if it will have your answer, but well explained at least. Sounds like they will cast the 'other' spells anyway, and you can have them cast the ones you click.
    Last edited by puget; 08-05-2011 at 05:47 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Ugumagre's Avatar
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    Jan 2011


    Once I had a bard hireling, cannot remember the name, but although there was no heal spell listed, he/she healed me several times. So, they cast a lot of spells moer. Or well, not a lot... SOME more spells.
    Goat, Sammich, Poultry

  4. #4
    Community Member fool101's Avatar
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    Hirelings will definitely cast spells not on their clickable list. Usually not as often as their loaded spells but they will on occasion cast (at least) offensive spells (though I mean this in both pronunciations of this word).
    -Anything is possible....if you don't understand the problem.
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  5. #5
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    I think he is asking since he has repair light on the 'other' spells in the item description, and he has it on the hireling bar as well, does that mean one is only there for fake, or are they both real and active?

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    May 2010


    Actually, what I was asking was this:

    Flare ( has Repair Light Damage and Repair Moderate Damage in his spell list at the bottom. However, the description at the top says the following: (Casts: Wall of Fire, Fireball, Scorching Ray, Glitterdust, Haste, Repair Moderate Damage). And he does not have Repair in any of his clickies.

    So, will Flare ever cast Repair Light Damage, or will he ONLY cast Repair Moderate Damage?

    And, since he doesn't have a clickie for either, I can't make him do it. He'll just do it when he feels that I need it (which may be frustratingly late).

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