Cleric, hands down... (arcane sorc or wizard are a close second)
Cleric, hands down... (arcane sorc or wizard are a close second)
(Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'
bard is fun class when quest is hard and party has to take its time and use tactics instead just wm1 everywhere.
Me (to party leader): Okay, what do you need me to do?
Party leaders: I don't care what you do after you sing.
next group.....
Me (to party leader): Okay, what do you need me to do?
Party leader from Captain's Crew: Just don't die.
Me (thinking): *Wow, you guys are awesome. That last party leader was a slave driver*
To answer the OP: Still bards![]() Posted by Turbine
cleric ,bard, or pally.... basically any class the can self-heal and do somewhat good dps... fighters, barbs (Especially), and rogues i try to stay away from...and i didnt add fvs because imo clr>fvs
edit: lol most hate barbs....cant blame them...
Last edited by tikwid; 10-20-2011 at 12:46 AM.
Best of best:
Not really my favourites:
I wont fit artis here. Too less i grouped with. Posted by Turbine
Favorite / Fun right out of the box
Fun / takes a while for me to really have fun
Not as much fun
The reason fighter/barb are lower ... I love tactics builds, but with the new tactics animations the barb/fighters are simply not enjoyable for me. I'm trying to re-expand my horizons though, just TR'd one of my guys into a Pally and I'm considering a barb life for my rogue. I slike having CC options on any toon. Cleric can, but I find I can't maintain the output I like on their SP pool - yeah they heal, yeah they can cast but my play style runs them down quickly.
Last edited by voodoogroves; 10-22-2011 at 12:42 PM.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
in order:
Homer: "Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen."
Ranger, Fighter, Cleric
Barb, Rogue, Pally
all the rest
Not a fan of arcane spell casters, I find them boring as heck
Iv never played monk or FvS so I have no opinion about them
I love to solo while retaining usefulness in parties so my 2 favourites classes are wizard and FVS
Favorite: Sorc/Wizzie - I love my Casters!
Least Favorite: Pally - just because I haven't been able to build a successful one. I know they have a lot of good....I just can't get it to work.![]() - Epic Fail Shroud
No matter what update, i always love barbarians most! Any other character i have made get's sick at some point. But I'm never sick of barbarians! Haven't tried monk, articifer and Paladin though, on a good basis (meaning lvl over 10), so I got to try them too, to lock my preferances![]()
Rogue hands down.
The most important thing about rogues is the fact that the more you learn about the DDO,the better your rogue will get.
I mean leaps better.
I'm talking about the day that you find out about UMD and scrolls better,or the day you find out about GFL and a con item better.
For a relatively new player it might be a bit much on the first go,but once you get start getting the grasp of things Rogue is just as good as it gets in my book.
To my mind most other games try to emulate DnD rogues to a degree while here we get the real deal.
...or FvS,if we are just talking about sheer murder on legs.
Thelanis/Anndii 18 FvS Evoker - Ferrocious 20 Sorcerer
Sarlona/Pherrocious TR Artificer in progress - Heborric 20 Rogue -Aparal 20 FvS
Favored Soul
. . . Flip ranger and rogue depending on the day
Poor grammar bad for you is, leads to the dark side it does.
-Yoda's Book of Grammar This Is
barogues or rogarians!
Barbs and Rogues FTW!!
Kasik ~Rogue~ Fui ~ Barb ~ Emmeryl ~ Clr ~ Hilcias ~ Sorc ~
Cool kids play on Mabar!
I have always played fighters, tried the other classes my first couple years, get to around level 12, and poof, delete reroll when I felt I was unable to solo anymore to learn the content to be comfortable in groups.
However now that I started playing on this F2P account, I rolled a different class on every server as a server main for the first time bonuses, and I have to say I am liking the ranger, the rogue (I never have liked the rogue class in any MMO before) and the Paladin.
So, my list would be something like: Fighter, Wiz (PM), ranger, paladin, rogue, bard, cleric, barb, sorc.
Anything I left out I have not played either at all, or enough to make an opinion on.