wizard and bard
Wiz-sorc-bard... need to try fvs and clerics .................................................. ...............................................las t.................barb (3 click gaming is not for me)
Ranger>Bard>Monk>Rogue>Paladin>Wizard>Sorc>Favoure d Soul>Cleric>Fighter>Barberian.
Sorcerer > Paladin > Bard
#1 nuking is most fun i had so far
#2 good solo/self heal abilities from day1
#3 music!, welcome in almost all groups and barely picked on
For me, Rogue > Bard > Fighter > AA > everything else
Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.
To play, it's a tie between Wiz/Sorc/Monk/Any TWF DPS build. Big tie, I know. Monks are incredibly fun to play but the only thing that keeps it from being on top is memorizing all the different finishers and stuff. As for casters, Sorcs and Wizzes are pretty equal for me. And I freaking love TWF builds. Like, I've never made a THF toon yet beyond favor farming. TWF just appeals more to me...
For classes in the group, I'd definitely have to say Bard. Amazing class to group with, but I don't enjoy playing them much. It's sad that so few people make them.
for some reason recently the simple pleasure of holding down the mouse button and watching a two handed weapon kill everything has been attractive lately, mostly because ive clocked too many hours on wiz already xD.
the main reason why I still love DDO
Quite Enjoy
- Sorcerer
- Monk
- Favored Soul
- Artificer
- Wizard
- Paladin
- Cleric
- Ranger
- Fighter
- Bard
- Barbarian
- Rogue
The list is subject to ranking changing when considering multiclassed characters.
Server - Thelanis
I've not played all the classes, but of the ones I have played:
Monk, Sorc, Fighter, everything else.....then bard. :P
Officer and Webmaster for Fallen Immortals, a guild of Thelanis.
Join us on the Officially Unofficial DDO Discord! https://discord.gg/ewEncxRNjn
(Wizard>Fighter>Sorcerer)>(Favored Soul=Cleric>Rogue=Ranger)>(Monk>Paladin>Bard>Barba rian)
Or something close to it. Fighter is my favorite melee class, and I like the arcanes.
I like DPS classes that don't depend on Rage, Finishing Moves, and Smites.
My opinions will definitely change over time, since the only classes I've ever put any time into are wizard, fighter, and ranger. The toon I'm looking forward to playing next? Evoker/back-up healer FvS in a static group that already has a cleric in it. I like the idea of Clerics and Favored Souls, but HATE all the aggro healers get from other players. I think that once I've capped a caster or two, I'll be more open to playing a monk (there are some BEAST monks in my guild) or paladin (I like the idea of them too, but playing them doesn't float my boat).
Last edited by Kayla93; 10-20-2011 at 12:54 AM.
Calculus. Then Sorc.
Khyber: Daedri - 20th lvl Elf Fighter (Yay, first lvl 20 7/2/11)
Art misunderstanding by calm, poise and balance.
most people dont like pallys, but IMO thats because they try to do too much with them.
Build a Pally to do 1 thing, and do it welll, and all the extra stuff that comes along with it is icing on the cake.
for example: i built my Pally for DPS, that is is job. the LOH, self buffs, and high saves are just gravy.
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith