Call it Paragon, Heroic, Insane, Nightmare or whatever else you want. It would be introduced as extreme challenge for current content. It would have some minor rewards and incentives in addition to the incentive of base challenge.
"Dungeon Scaling"
- No Dungeon Scaling, solo or 6 players this difficulty would function the same
"Quest level"
- Modified quest level is +1 over elite. A level 1 quest on this difficulty setting would be modified to a level 4 quest. A level 20 quest would be modified to a level 23 quest.
"Tougher Enemies"
- Enemies have 50% more HP than elite
- Enemies have 20% more offensive punch on attack rolls and damage rolls than elite
- Enemies have 30% more AC than elite
- Enemies have +3 HD and Saves higher than elite
- Enemies have +30% stacking elemental absorption
"Tougher Environment"
- Each Rest and Resurrection Shrine has 25% chance of not existing
- Traps are 10% more deadly than elite
- Every Chest has an Orange named Boss (or beefed up minion) that needs to be killed to unlock the chest
- +1 Loot Level over elite
- Greater Increase Drop rate for Rare and Static Items than elite
- +1 Extra Quest Favor granted than Elite, this is a single extra point not an additional multiplier
- New +15% xp bonus “Extra Challenge” for selecting this difficulty
"First time XP bonus is calculated as followed"
- Highest Character Level <= Base Quest Level +100% Bonus First Time XP
- Highest Character Level +1 over Base Quest Level +50% Bonus First Time XP
- Highest Character Level +2 over Base Quest Level +25% Bonus First Time XP
- Highest Character Level +3 over Base Quest Level +15% Bonus First Time XP
- Highest Character Level +4 or more over Base Quest Level +5% Bonus First Time XP