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  1. #1
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    May 2007

    Default Suggestion New Difficulty Setting

    Call it Paragon, Heroic, Insane, Nightmare or whatever else you want. It would be introduced as extreme challenge for current content. It would have some minor rewards and incentives in addition to the incentive of base challenge.

    "Dungeon Scaling"
    • No Dungeon Scaling, solo or 6 players this difficulty would function the same

    "Quest level"
    • Modified quest level is +1 over elite. A level 1 quest on this difficulty setting would be modified to a level 4 quest. A level 20 quest would be modified to a level 23 quest.

    "Tougher Enemies"
    • Enemies have 50% more HP than elite
    • Enemies have 20% more offensive punch on attack rolls and damage rolls than elite
    • Enemies have 30% more AC than elite
    • Enemies have +3 HD and Saves higher than elite
    • Enemies have +30% stacking elemental absorption

    "Tougher Environment"
    • Each Rest and Resurrection Shrine has 25% chance of not existing
    • Traps are 10% more deadly than elite
    • Every Chest has an Orange named Boss (or beefed up minion) that needs to be killed to unlock the chest

    • +1 Loot Level over elite
    • Greater Increase Drop rate for Rare and Static Items than elite
    • +1 Extra Quest Favor granted than Elite, this is a single extra point not an additional multiplier
    • New +15% xp bonus “Extra Challenge” for selecting this difficulty

    "First time XP bonus is calculated as followed"
    • Highest Character Level <= Base Quest Level +100% Bonus First Time XP
    • Highest Character Level +1 over Base Quest Level +50% Bonus First Time XP
    • Highest Character Level +2 over Base Quest Level +25% Bonus First Time XP
    • Highest Character Level +3 over Base Quest Level +15% Bonus First Time XP
    • Highest Character Level +4 or more over Base Quest Level +5% Bonus First Time XP
    Last edited by dragons1ayer74; 08-05-2011 at 01:04 PM.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery NytCrawlr's Avatar
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    Oct 2010


    I actually wouldn't mind seeing Epics scaled with this formula instead of the way they are now. Would allow some to want to try them more IMO, and with the rumors of the level cap being increased, it would be a better way of implementing instead of just having every epic dungeon at 25+ level.

    Overall I like the idea for a first tier epic.

    Nyess Malwyss Daireann Tylesia Shideh

  3. #3
    Community Member Robai's Avatar
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    I prefer it this way:
    - it must be done in true level range
    - and no hirelings allowed
    - you can't reenter that quest

    For example,
    if quest level on normal is 8 (elite 10) then you can't enter it on Heroic difficulty being level 12 or higher, i.e. you must be level 11 or below.
    Last edited by TheRobai; 08-05-2011 at 02:36 PM.
    Loot Design, S/S/S system, TR Cache Button, The exact trap DCs in EE HH, A guide for DDO-ML, Unknown Heroes: 3rd place, Welcome to Orien: /joinchannel Titan
    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    This is the most perfect suggestion in the history of suggestions, and it is full of upsides for both players and servers.

  4. #4
    Community Member macubrae's Avatar
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    Default Be ready,

    This topic really does come up every month, cool!

    From what I've seen on similar posts, including my own, elite was supposed to be this, but when people complained that it was too difficult, and the traps were all deadly, it got nerfed. I made a Hardcore suggestion, with no shrines, all orange, red and purple named bosses, repops, friendly fire and all or nothing quest experience. Meaning that there were no optionals, everything was mandatory or no XP would be given. And there wasn't an elitist to be heard.

    Maybe DDO needs to add a new server. One with no shrines, friendly fire, and permadeath. That would give a capped, multi TRed, toon with epic red dragon scale armor some serious bragging rights.
    Every time mankind makes something new, improved and idiot-proof... nature comes out with a new idiot.

    Flaggon Kegslayer, leader of Blood Scented Axe Body Spray.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery NytCrawlr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macubrae View Post
    Maybe DDO needs to add a new server. One with no shrines, friendly fire, and permadeath. That would give a capped, multi TRed, toon with epic red dragon scale armor some serious bragging rights.
    Move all the PvP to said server too, heh, but seriously, I wouldn't mind something like this, even partake in it (though probably only with one toon). I heard the same thing about what you referenced earlier, but I thought that was epic and not elite.

    Regardless I like the idea of something off to the side, that is by itself, for elite power-gamers, I just don't want to see it become another epic.

    Nyess Malwyss Daireann Tylesia Shideh

  6. #6
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    This is not meant to replace Epic Difficulty but I do imagine some of these quests at higher level would be more difficult than some current epics. This idea would be for all levels and all quests.

    Also I know this subject has been brought up before this was just my stab at it. I think elite for the most part is a good challenge for an average balanced pug when doing it at modified quest level. My proposal based on the first time XP bonus would challenge characters to try the quest at or below base quest level, in a way this already adds difficulty. Some people would still find these quests too easy and solo them for rewards and xp. Other groups would be terrified to enter on this setting for fear of not completing or fear of missing shrines. Other people would try it on their favorite quests. Some TRs might be able to incorporate it into their TR paths other TRs would stick doing the no fail quests that they get 1600XP per minute from completing.

    A hardcore server is a different idea than my proposed new challenge setting. I think as an idea it is sound and valid but it has many potential problems. You would never get everyone to agree on the ruleset for that server and making it so it was guild level permissions would likely be too much development work for a small user group and in addition cause other community issues.

  7. #7
    Founder Bracosius's Avatar
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    That might be good for you, but I want a defferent new setting. Call it LAZY. When you zone in if you do not move for 3 minutes the quest completes and all chests teleport to you. This whole running quests for loot is becoming to time consuming...

  8. #8
    The Hatchery bigolbear's Avatar
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    I totaly apreciate where your coming from OP. but im not sure we need another dificulty setting to do this.

    I certainly dont think we need any more favour/loot/xp bonus's from choosing to make things more chalenging.

    Its a choice you see that way, theres no compulsion. It needn't even register in the quest compendium.

    Personaly i dont think, more mob hp is the way, it realy dosnt make things more dificult - just longer.

    now freindly fire, harder hiting mobs, truly deadly traps, enemy casters with metamagics, enemy rogues with good stealth and fort bypassing sneak attacks. now were talkin. but all this should be truly optional with no benefit to the player other than fun and personal sense of acomplishment.

    Frankly as an old soloer id settle for just an option to switch of scaling - quests used to be scaled for 4 people btw six was optional.
    Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
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  9. #9
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    Just a few things to discuss on your points bigolbear:

    Some people are driven by the need for challenge others by the need for rewards this proposal would support both sides without making people feel like they had to partake in this level of difficulty. Currently if normal or even casual gave the best rewards, the best xp the most favor really how much would hard or elite difficulties ever get ran?

    The monster HP was only part of suggestion and I 100% agree HP alone is boring but if the monster hits you harder, saves against spells more often and last longer it is a tougher encounter.

    Enemy casters do currently have meta-magic’s or better than meta-magic’s. Ever see a non-hireling AI get interrupted? Ever see an AI run out of SP? Every see an AI use components?

    If friendly fire worked both ways you would just let the AI spell casters kill off its friends. Elite traps at level currently are deadly.

    Your dungeon scaling idea as an option to turn it off is a good one, but would likely seldom get used.

    Also another part of this suggestion that may be missed in the details is the first time xp bonus is mostly to challenge TRs and off set their need for more xp, this comes from another first time bonus and a big bonus if ran at a challenging level. There are also many other good suggestions how to deal with that as well.

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