Bleeding out while hoping to make my roll to stabalize
Bleeding out while hoping to make my roll to stabalize
my most frustrating death would be dying 11 seconds away from the shrine
But the worst would probably be getting held and killed by a pack of angry kobalds.
So humiliating...![]()
I hear that they are putting marriage into the game ....![]()
........................................... I <3 22/7
Sassy, Babbette, Migette, Snip, Phatass, Bimbette, Sassette, Wentch, Duelingbanjo, Jaillbait, Sticki *WARNING* ALL PM'S ARE OPEN TO POSTING *WARNING*
When asking for buffs, always ask for the Axer Package
"I guess lightning really does strike twice"
I hate failing 2 saves in a row on a single lightning bolt that got reflected.
Lag death.
I just died fighting Harry. I went from 670 HPs to zero in the blink of an eye. I don't really blame the healers (there were 3 clerics even) so much as the lag that didn't allow them time to react to the damage I was taking.
Combat : You were killed by *insert your own name*.
QuickBenqb 4*wiz/3*sorc/3*fvs/3*bard/2*pala/3*barb/fgr/rgr/3*rog/mnk/3*clr/drd/art/4*Wlk(current)
Yil 3*Rngr/4*Fgr/3*Pala/3*Brd/3*Brb/3*Drd/4*Mnk/3*Clr/3*Fvs/3*Wiz/3*Sorc/3*Art/3*Rog/Wlk/Wlk (current)
Bankrupt FvS lvl 20 (TR1) Krupppe lvl 25 something (TR3)
After a wipe where you die, you recall, put on your haggle item and ding you die in the city just because you removed your con item to put haggle on....
Getting into EVON6 and exasperatingly giving instructions while calling people "n00b" and saying you better not do this and you better not do that...
...then immediately falling off the bridge as soon as it starts.
Was in a group where the leader did just that.
But I'd have to go with the OP: Implosion.
That would suck to see the rouge disappear in a purple cloud. Then the cleric. Then the wizard and know you were next.
Mob Caster: By the way, if you have something terribly important to say to Switch, I'd suggest you say it now.
Switch: Not like this. Not like this.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
true story.
a pug run with a bunch of newbies.
xorian cypher elite:
last man standing. kill the rednamed hellhound.
type /flex for all your dead companions.
your acid resitance has worn off.
tharashk hound acid breath.
no completion, no loot, no xp![]()
The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp. (wayfinder was a soloist build)
That's it. I quit.
How about...standing in a frost trap and dying in a quest well below your level, whilst visually impeded from seeing said trap killing you, due to the fact that your Social tab is open to the Guild section and you're chatting in the guild channel. While you die.
All that is wrong with DDO, life, taxes, poltics, religion, music, fast food, education, the criminal justice system, the weather, society, the universe, and previously-discontinued-but-now-on-their-way-back snack cakes, is all the fault of Wizards of the Coast. I know this because Fred told me so, and Mind Flayers are smart.
Drowning in a vat of halfling spit![]()
Ainur Wer'lak Thelanis
Wiping in TOD, respawn point, marketplace spire, winging off the top, going incap in the marketplace on a healer! 3 times on the trot!
(wings addict)
Bricks-1 - Halfling Backstab
I wish someone would do a DDO vid for this... for now though
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
Slowly dissolving away into nothing inside a Gelatinous Cube.
As a healer u are helpless, burdened, exhausted and cant heal your self and mobbed to death.
Being uncaped, stabilized and then some fellow kite monster to you so the glancing blow of ogre can finish you.
Being uncaped, stabilized, and then rage goes off.