My kids are now playing DDO as Premium players using some of their birthday/chore money to purchase TP.
The highest level toon they have atm is 5 (my son's rogue) and they don't play alot (maybe 3 or 4 hours on Saturday and sometimes on Sunday afternoon as well).
My wife and I play with them sometimes, but sometimes it is just them, and they have asked if there is a way to find other kids to play with.
They are 10 and 12, boy and girl and also like play Roblox and Lego Online. My ?? to all you Thelanis parents out there is would there be any interest in creating a small kids guild, with the parents as administrators so the kids could meet up and play together?
Thanks for your time, and if anyone has any input/suggestions, please don't hesitate, even if it's pointing out how completely absurd this idea is