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If you want to increase the DCs of your spells, you should start with a 17 Wisdom and put all your levels ups there. However, if you do this you should also consider Spell Penetration so you can get more bang from your buck with the other DC-based spells like Destruction, Implosion, Greater Command, etc...
Bladebarrier is a great spell for melee focused clerics because you don't have to have high DCs (or spell pen) to make good use of it. As long as the mobs don't have evasion, they'll take damage as they chase you through it (and most of the ones that have evasion tend to stand in one place and range you).
Taking Maximize/Empower was a good idea because they are useful for more than just Blade Barrier (Divine Punishment, Mass Cures, Cometfall, Flamestrike, Searing Light, etc...), but spending 2 additional feats just for Blade Barrier seems excessive.
It's not that you'll be a gimp if you split your focus evenly between casting and melee... I just prefer to squeeze as much as I can out of every purchase.