Ok so i've a level 3 cleric now and i built it around the idea of a The Font of Healing.
Now i can't play it anymore because of the insane low damage output.
Even buffed with bull strength i still need alot of time killing most things on normal let alone the running Elite solo is suicide of course and i played to the point that i hate it.
Now what can i play as a solo character that can put a good fight and stay alive for sometime.

OR should i just stick to this class and it should pay later levels?
I don't know what's waiting later but i can imagine that it won't be pretty.

I'm a free player BTW though after 3 or 4 weeks i'll be able to pay a monthly sub but until then i can't make a 32 character or buy those insanely expensive +tomes.

Is this viable? can i at least have fun while on the free trail or should i wait te'll i'm able to pay?