Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
Amazing. Love them all. I like the acting of Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce so much, I cant even watch anyone else play Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. It is these films that produced the iconic line, "Elementary, my dear Watson". Three Stooges will still be watched in 200 years... its a comedy team that remains funny, and will always be funny. Marx Bros were also great. Vaudeville comedy and entertainment at its best.
Agree. I just finished reading all Sherlock Holmes books on kindle and I hear Basil and Nigel voices as I read.... Whats interesting is Sherlock never says "Elementary" and "Dear Watson" Together in the books. The show put those two things together (never knew that....)

All the other movies mentioned in the post pretty much there on those also. feeling pretty old about right now.. :-(