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Thread: Full Plate AC

  1. #81
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grieve View Post
    ^ Straight from DDO wiki Monk Page. That is the Wisdom Bonus I referred to.

    Now, here is the Centered Bonus I referred to (on the Centered wiki page)...

    You, sir may want to read a little more about your AC Bonuses.

    FYI, here are links to the respective pages.

    Centered Wiki Page:
    Monk Class Wiki Page:

    If there is still disbelief, I will get screenshots later today when I am able to log into game.
    YOU do not question ME regarding AC bonuses

    I'm right, you are wrong. here's one of Meathelmet's baby pictures, level 14 holding dorf axes.

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  2. #82
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by countfitz View Post
    The real issue, IMHO, isn't that it "can't" be done, but that, as you said, everyone is right in saying that a pajama wearing splashed monk build is BETTER, and it's true.

    Yes, you have a reasonably sustainably 80+ AC, which is all you need for non epics, and if you run with a static group that really works with you, you can both maintain aggro and get a 90+ AC. Since you are all epic'd out, I'll assume you're from an amazing guild that is all about helping you out. So, you have this. YOU.

    BUT, you are ALL EPIC'D OUT, IN AN AMAZING GUILD in this assumption.

    A monk splash in pjs could achieve this AC with icy raiments or DT pjs, a couple upgraded but non epic items, a TOD ring, not even two, and still get to do anything else it wants, like Battle Cleric, Paladin, pure monk, fighter/ranger, etc. and contribute as much DPS, without having spent months farming VON for red scales, Tor for the other scales, every epic a hundred times, TOD, and so on and so forth.

    Honestly, just the fact that you're assuming epic red dragon plate in a build and saying "see, a pure paladin can do it too" just shows that, NO, IT CAN'T. YOU CAN. Anything could do it if you include the assumption you'll have epic red and everything else involved in that.

    Any monk splash can get all the items necessary to get your AC in a month on a first life. Your epic red takes, minimum 25x3 days, if you are lucky, or 25million plat, if you are lucky and rich, which is insane, lottery defying luck. Reality is more like 25x3x(whatever the insanely low drop rate for FRDS), or 75 million plat.

    EDIT: Congrats to you though for being truly uber, no sarcasm intended! Seriously awesome build. I play a battle cleric, in much the same way. It is uber. But that doesn't mean battle clerics are uber, it means I am
    I have a heap of various AC toons and I can tell you to get sustainable AC it is as easy or easier on S/B substitute cav plate for the red scale. Also his full dps mode 2WF will be higher then that PJ wearer. You serioulsy over estimate how hard it is to get red scale. Sell some of those epic scrolls and you will get it far faster then farming it.
    Why can't any other Pally do it too? They certainly can, but AC has been all but trivialised by epic and peoples attitude and to a degree grazing hits.

    Congratz on the build though like others much of your AC is for SS purposes but that counts too and I have been guilty of it :-)
    Milacias of Kyber

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  3. #83
    Community Member Grieve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty_Can View Post
    I don't know if it's working as intended, but Grodon9999 is actually right and DDOWiki wrong: monks and "monk-splashed" characters keep receiving their "centered" bonus to AC even when not wielding KI weapons, as long as they are "defensively" centered (i.e. the centered bonus is currently working as the WIS bonus to AC).
    Well, if it is not WAI, then that is an issue that the devs will have to worry about. I just know from my ingame experience that what wiki describes is how the AC bonuses apply since I had to worry about it while leveling my main on a double TR becuase I had to normally lose my centered bonus to swap to my GS Rapiers with +2 exp Dex & Heightened Awareness 4, respectively. In order to push my AC that little bit higher while my monk levels were lower and if that Wisdom bonus actually were to be removed when I swapped to rapiers my AC would have actually dropped.

    So ya maybe he was right in by definition, but unless a very recent updated changed this anomaly, my information is still valid by a practical stand point even if it is not WAI.

    Also, here is an entry from the DDO Compendium:
    It seems there may be an interpretation issue here. The Monk feat, AC Bonus, is granting the centered AC bonus and also in most references the Wisdom Bonus seems to be chucked in with it even though it seems to be a seperate bonus, Wisdom Bonus, for AC purposes. Another thing, please note the player comment on that page and how it differs from the Feat Description.

    Lastly, based solely on the Feat description you would not recieve either bonus meaning both point would be moot, but practically, that is not the case since the Wisdom Bonus is clearly displayed seperately from the Centered Bonus on the character sheet in game. This would mean that the Wisdom Bonus is considered differently than the Centered Bonus for how it is granted and considering the Feat description I would say that the AC Bonus from being centered(ie. able to be in stance), also noted as Center Bonus on the character sheet (afaik) would be the one you lose when you pick up those non-Ki weapons even if you are in a robe without a shield.

    I digress. This may all be of course not WAI so thank you, but I will take my practical use case since that is what works in game.
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  4. #84
    Community Member Grieve's Avatar
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    I see the Wisdom bonus I've been talking about all along. So ok I was wrong, but not in a harmful manner. You recieve more bonuses than expected.
    Last edited by Grieve; 08-08-2011 at 11:57 AM.
    Characters: Cardan | Rifte | Feylicia | Warmin | Reimi | Catrini | Deadpugs | Crankthis
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  5. #85
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grieve View Post
    Well, if it is not WAI, then that is an issue that the devs will have to worry about. I just know from my ingame experience that what wiki describes is how the AC bonuses apply since I had to worry about it while leveling my main on a double TR becuase I had to normally lose my centered bonus to swap to my GS Rapiers with +2 exp Dex & Heightened Awareness 4, respectively. In order to push my AC that little bit higher while my monk levels were lower and if that Wisdom bonus actually were to be removed when I swapped to rapiers my AC would have actually dropped.

    So ya maybe he was right in by definition, but unless a very recent updated changed this anomaly, my information is still valid by a practical stand point even if it is not WAI.

    Also, here is an entry from the DDO Compendium:
    It seems there may be an interpretation issue here. The Monk feat, AC Bonus, is granting the centered AC bonus and also in most references the Wisdom Bonus seems to be chucked in with it even though it seems to be a seperate bonus, Wisdom Bonus, for AC purposes. Another thing, please note the player comment on that page and how it differs from the Feat Description.

    Lastly, based solely on the Feat description you would not recieve either bonus meaning both point would be moot, but practically, that is not the case since the Wisdom Bonus is clearly displayed seperately from the Centered Bonus on the character sheet in game. This would mean that the Wisdom Bonus is considered differently than the Centered Bonus for how it is granted and considering the Feat description I would say that the AC Bonus from being centered(ie. able to be in stance), also noted as Center Bonus on the character sheet (afaik) would be the one you lose when you pick up those non-Ki weapons even if you are in a robe without a shield.

    I digress. This may all be of course not WAI so thank you, but I will take my practical use case since that is what works in game.

    It's been this way for years, you do need two monk levels to see this though so if you have a 1 splash you don't get that 1 point of centered AC.

  6. #86
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    YOU do not question ME regarding AC bonuses

    I'm right, you are wrong. here's one of Meathelmet's baby pictures, level 14 holding dorf axes.
    That was just a little bit funny
    Milacias of Kyber

    Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber

    The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
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