Didn't really read the whole thread.. With that said:
When I'm pwr leveling I've always had decent luck using my usual LFM post: (QUEST norm x8, Be self sufficient, IP)
Usually only the folks that are down with speed runs are the ones that join, and there are usually some guildies/buddies online with lowbies at lvl anyway.
If someone winds up joining that I don't know, they'll get my speil on following directions, self healing and that I'll drop them if they're continually costing me 10%.
I've never really had a problem running my lvling groups that way.
Raids are another matter.
A teaching raid I'll take the first 12 that are cool w/ a slow run, though to be honest I only do those occasionally.
For a normal channels filled run we may have a spot or two to fill via LFM and I'll take the first couple that apply. They're pretty much along for the ride anyway.
For a pug raid, guildies/friends get the preference and I'll send tells to the folks waiting in the queue letting them know that I'm getting those folks in first and may have a spot for them. 99 times out of 100 they are totally cool with it and no issues arise. Once all the regulars are in, the order in which pugs applied gets preference. Those lfm's will have a 'some saved' at the end of the description.
RE the vets/tr's text in the lfm, most of those folks are tools. There are a few great players that use that nomenclature, but we all know who they are and pay attention to the toon name and not the lfm text anyways.
Cliff notes edition:
Be straight up in your LFM's and learn to read the signs of others. Once expectations are set appropriately on both sides of the table, the meal goes down so much more smoothly.