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  1. #41
    Community Member Mts's Avatar
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    Didn't really read the whole thread.. With that said:

    When I'm pwr leveling I've always had decent luck using my usual LFM post: (QUEST norm x8, Be self sufficient, IP)

    Usually only the folks that are down with speed runs are the ones that join, and there are usually some guildies/buddies online with lowbies at lvl anyway.

    If someone winds up joining that I don't know, they'll get my speil on following directions, self healing and that I'll drop them if they're continually costing me 10%.

    I've never really had a problem running my lvling groups that way.

    Raids are another matter.

    A teaching raid I'll take the first 12 that are cool w/ a slow run, though to be honest I only do those occasionally.

    For a normal channels filled run we may have a spot or two to fill via LFM and I'll take the first couple that apply. They're pretty much along for the ride anyway.

    For a pug raid, guildies/friends get the preference and I'll send tells to the folks waiting in the queue letting them know that I'm getting those folks in first and may have a spot for them. 99 times out of 100 they are totally cool with it and no issues arise. Once all the regulars are in, the order in which pugs applied gets preference. Those lfm's will have a 'some saved' at the end of the description.

    RE the vets/tr's text in the lfm, most of those folks are tools. There are a few great players that use that nomenclature, but we all know who they are and pay attention to the toon name and not the lfm text anyways.

    Cliff notes edition:

    Be straight up in your LFM's and learn to read the signs of others. Once expectations are set appropriately on both sides of the table, the meal goes down so much more smoothly.
    TR'd: Mty | Mtp | Mts | Mtc | Mtn | Mtz
    Others: Mtf | Mtx | Mtb | Mtd | Mth | Mtk
    Proud officer of Elite Raiders

  2. #42
    Community Member Maugrim101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mts View Post
    Didn't really read the whole thread.. With that said:

    When I'm pwr leveling I've always had decent luck using my usual LFM post: (QUEST norm x8, Be self sufficient, IP)

    Usually only the folks that are down with speed runs are the ones that join, and there are usually some guildies/buddies online with lowbies at lvl anyway.

    If someone winds up joining that I don't know, they'll get my speil on following directions, self healing and that I'll drop them if they're continually costing me 10%.

    I've never really had a problem running my lvling groups that way.

    Raids are another matter.

    A teaching raid I'll take the first 12 that are cool w/ a slow run, though to be honest I only do those occasionally.

    For a normal channels filled run we may have a spot or two to fill via LFM and I'll take the first couple that apply. They're pretty much along for the ride anyway.

    For a pug raid, guildies/friends get the preference and I'll send tells to the folks waiting in the queue letting them know that I'm getting those folks in first and may have a spot for them. 99 times out of 100 they are totally cool with it and no issues arise. Once all the regulars are in, the order in which pugs applied gets preference. Those lfm's will have a 'some saved' at the end of the description.

    RE the vets/tr's text in the lfm, most of those folks are tools. There are a few great players that use that nomenclature, but we all know who they are and pay attention to the toon name and not the lfm text anyways.

    Cliff notes edition:

    Be straight up in your LFM's and learn to read the signs of others. Once expectations are set appropriately on both sides of the table, the meal goes down so much more smoothly.
    Pretty much agree with all of that, especially the last part. IF LFM maker is straight up and the people who apply are happy with those conditions (If any exist), there should be no problem really (Other than the odd lava diving incident which happens now and then hehe)
    Calvet ~ Ghalnem ~ Noobforged ~ Sorgant ~ Gimpsong

    All on Khyber.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mts View Post
    Didn't really read the whole thread.. With that said:

    When I'm pwr leveling I've always had decent luck using my usual LFM post: (QUEST norm x8, Be self sufficient, IP)

    Usually only the folks that are down with speed runs are the ones that join, and there are usually some guildies/buddies online with lowbies at lvl anyway.

    If someone winds up joining that I don't know, they'll get my speil on following directions, self healing and that I'll drop them if they're continually costing me 10%.

    I've never really had a problem running my lvling groups that way.

    Raids are another matter.

    A teaching raid I'll take the first 12 that are cool w/ a slow run, though to be honest I only do those occasionally.

    For a normal channels filled run we may have a spot or two to fill via LFM and I'll take the first couple that apply. They're pretty much along for the ride anyway.

    For a pug raid, guildies/friends get the preference and I'll send tells to the folks waiting in the queue letting them know that I'm getting those folks in first and may have a spot for them. 99 times out of 100 they are totally cool with it and no issues arise. Once all the regulars are in, the order in which pugs applied gets preference. Those lfm's will have a 'some saved' at the end of the description.

    RE the vets/tr's text in the lfm, most of those folks are tools. There are a few great players that use that nomenclature, but we all know who they are and pay attention to the toon name and not the lfm text anyways.

    Cliff notes edition:

    Be straight up in your LFM's and learn to read the signs of others. Once expectations are set appropriately on both sides of the table, the meal goes down so much more smoothly.
    Oops, for some reason I thought that you were one of the people that used Vets/Trs. -sheepish grin- I should just go edit my original post.
    Proud Piker of Elite Raiders

  4. #44
    Community Member taurean430's Avatar
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    The issue appears to be that there has since I started playing and will continue to be there is that there are players who adapt language they believe vets to use. In some cases they are spot on, and I have joined a run on occasion when TR'ing to learn that no one in party knows the quest, has any minimum gear, or understanding of game mechanics. It seems that by putting up repeated lfm's of this type one will attract more capable or knowledgeable players. Personally, I feel it's inconsiderate and disingenuous to do so. But, that's just me...

    And as the more experienced and capable players on the server continue to TR, their lfm language will be duplicated by others. I've looked at it as more of a 'saying of the month' kind of thing, as it's changed fairly often. Know the quest/be self sufficient/fast runs/xp farming/vets and tr's only/etc... they make the rounds. Other's see that these lfm's fill pretty quickly and try to emulate that.

    What frustrates me personally is joining a run described in this manner and finding out that I am expected to carry 5 others through the quest with frequent rescues. Beerman and others do rather well with teaching the ins and outs of any given quest. I have to be in the mood for it myself. I joined to zerg and xp farm on my tr. I will intentionally join different speeds and types of runs to meet new players and provide a helpful influence.

  5. #45
    Community Member Mts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Attropos View Post
    Oops, for some reason I thought that you were one of the people that used Vets/Trs. -sheepish grin- I should just go edit my original post.
    lol You are definitely one of the few in the 2nd group of people who put vets/tr's into their lfms.

    Really, you could insult my mother in your lfm and I'd still click join, send you a tell letting you know about the dirty things I did to your sister and head to the ship for buffs.

    I pretty much see the name, see the lvl, stop reading and hit join.
    TR'd: Mty | Mtp | Mts | Mtc | Mtn | Mtz
    Others: Mtf | Mtx | Mtb | Mtd | Mth | Mtk
    Proud officer of Elite Raiders

  6. #46
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    You sir, are a man after my own heart. (and apparently, Ive given you rep recently....hmmm.)
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  7. #47
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    Default Again I'll disagree.

    Quote Originally Posted by Attropos View Post
    Edited because I'm a noob
    I don't and didn't see you as a noob. Like I said you put those lfms up and you can qualify to post something like that because of your skills. Props to you for that. What you miss is that most that make that post are not like you. They're noobs and they need a vet to carry them. They think they're a vet because they ran the quest a time or 2. Reality, it's some noob looking for us to carry him/her thru the quest. In your mindset those LFMs are skilled players like you. Because you would not think a noob would post that. Sorry, they're going too. Why? They see an LFM by a person like you and try to emulate you.

    So we get a ton of tards puting up LFMs saying vets only. The reality. Only a handfull realy qualify to put that LFM up. Hell to be honest. I'd never put up that LFM because there are plenty of quests that would qualify me as a newb. So I wouldn't dare to say vets only when I'm not a true vet. I don't know every quest in here. Especially epic stuff. IE. you put up an LFM saying vets only for epic quest XYZ. I'm going to disregard it. Why? Because I think you're a tard and need help or I don't know the quest and the tard putting up the LFM won't want me because I don't know the quest even though I've been playing for 5+ years and I'm well geared out.

    For the record I'm well geared and know the game. I may not know the quest but I can learn it just like I did the rest of the stuff, again it's not that hard. I learned it well enough to lead 100's of those runs without a guild. Only because some nice folks Like Lorich, Hordo Boldrin, Emili, BabyGirl, Aussie, Aranticus, Norg, and all the others I forgot to mention who took the time and taught it to me. Maybe that was poor time invested by them? You tell me? But if I see that LFM it tells me one of two things. I'm not worthy, or you're full of B S. Really I'm not that worthy? Why? We can all learn this stuff. I did and will do. Keep in mind I'm in no guilds and never have been in a guild. We all have to learn from someone. That vets only LFM does nothing but hinder those that want to learn.
    Last edited by Beer_Dude; 08-05-2011 at 05:42 AM.
    If the toon is named after a beer 17 of them are mine & 1 more not named after a beer (the black sheep of the family). Beware there are a few beer imposters out there. Unless the toon has been "Banned From All Guilds" it's a fake Beer_Dude. Fake Beer in your group leaves a nasty taste.

  8. #48
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    LOL! I'll just keep pikin off your groups, and joining those groups that say Vet/TR only anyway and nub healin my way through them. They always take a healer, and I haven't had any complaints yet (eventhough I die alot in adventure zones cause I have NO clue where to go in most still lol. GO GO 20 mob aggro!). Cept this one guy who declined me and called me a noob for not having a heavy fort item at the time... :-( I'm not perfect geared, i r newblet.

  9. #49
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    Default lol

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonKiller View Post
    It seems to me that many people who consider themselves "Vets" are still dripping behind the ears.

    Besides, everyone has to learn a quest some how... if these "Vets" don't teach the new people, then they will never learn the right way. Heck, they might even be able to learn the right way in a back pack :-)
    Love the backpack idea +1
    If the toon is named after a beer 17 of them are mine & 1 more not named after a beer (the black sheep of the family). Beware there are a few beer imposters out there. Unless the toon has been "Banned From All Guilds" it's a fake Beer_Dude. Fake Beer in your group leaves a nasty taste.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Attropos View Post
    I'm not sure why people think that groups need to be full before heading into a quest. The majority of Vets/TRs groups that I have joined don't wait for anybody to join. It's a we're doing "x and x quest" if you want some fast xp and can keep up, come join.
    I see what I wrote didn't tell the whole story. Unless I'm missing something that will really make the quest a lot easier, I go after a few minutes -- usually the time it takes me to manage inventory and such. When I put "new players welcome" in the LFM, it fills before then.

    Most of the time I'm not out for a complete zerg, which is why I don't mind doing a flower sniffing run when necessary and showing new folks the ropes.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beer_Dude View Post
    I don't and didn't see you as a noob. Like I said you put those lfms up and you can qualify to post something like that because of your skills. Props to you for that. What you miss is that most that make that post are not like you. They're noobs and they need a vet to carry them. They think they're a vet because they ran the quest a time or 2. Reality, it's some noob looking for us to carry him/her thru the quest. In your mindset those LFMs are skilled players like you. Because you would not think a noob would post that. Sorry, they're going too. Why? They see an LFM by a person like you and try to emulate you.

    So we get a ton of tards puting up LFMs saying vets only. The reality. Only a handfull realy qualify to put that LFM up. Hell to be honest. I'd never put up that LFM because there are plenty of quests that would qualify me as a newb. So I wouldn't dare to say vets only when I'm not a true vet. I don't know every quest in here. Especially epic stuff. IE. you put up an LFM saying vets only for epic quest XYZ. I'm going to disregard it. Why? Because I think you're a tard and need help or I don't know the quest and the tard putting up the LFM won't want me because I don't know the quest even though I've been playing for 5+ years and I'm well geared out.

    For the record I'm well geared and know the game. I may not know the quest but I can learn it just like I did the rest of the stuff, again it's not that hard. I learned it well enough to lead 100's of those runs without a guild. Only because some nice folks Like Lorich, Hordo Boldrin, Emili, BabyGirl, Aussie, Aranticus, Norg, and all the others I forgot to mention who took the time and taught it to me. Maybe that was poor time invested by them? You tell me? But if I see that LFM it tells me one of two things. I'm not worthy, or you're full of B S. Really I'm not that worthy? Why? We can all learn this stuff. I did and will do. Keep in mind I'm in no guilds and never have been in a guild. We all have to learn from someone. That vets only LFM does nothing but hinder those that want to learn.
    Nah, I see what you are saying... I just decided that I shouldn't bring other people into my arguments. I guess things have changed in the few months since I haven't been playing.

    Like I said, I think teaching runs are valuable. But if I am in a mood to get things done, I don't really want to be explaining myself, especially because I am not the greatest teacher.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mts View Post
    lol You are definitely one of the few in the 2nd group of people who put vets/tr's into their lfms.

    Really, you could insult my mother in your lfm and I'd still click join, send you a tell letting you know about the dirty things I did to your sister and head to the ship for buffs.

    I pretty much see the name, see the lvl, stop reading and hit join.
    Bah I squelched you a long time ago. **** zergers!
    Proud Piker of Elite Raiders

  12. #52
    Community Member Hordo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beer_Dude View Post
    Love the backpack idea +1
    Hey...that spot is reserved!
    -Khyber- Loreseekers, Guild Leader
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  13. #53
    Community Member jydog100's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lord_of_rage View Post
    OK Rast while you are solid you are not in the same class as MT, Clean and Norg. Not sure id even insinuate such.
    da@n, you beat me to it.......
    Badlass 20/10 Bard, Wc....Badlazz 20/10 Bard, Sb....Havnt got a clue 20/10 Bard SS....Slyfoxx 20/10 ranger dex/tempest....Stillgot no clue 20/10 ranger AA in limbo.....22 others, mostly mules.

  14. #54
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    Yes I noticed one of your lfms today - almost joined but was trying to stay focused.

    An lfm that mildly irked me the other day was '5am Shroud'

    Now if you can't see why that is mildly irksome you won't understand why I put up '7pm Shroud'. Refused their no tell invite, mine filled fast while they had their 2, they joined us, we zerged, we completed - all in an AEST timesone d4mm it!

    Fun first, xp second. It's such a relief when people don't care if you do silly things when they can see you're trying. Frees me up to try new things and push my limits and discover what I can do. Also just so much more FUN.

    Had super fun in a TS today. That dispel followed by slay living is awesome! A pug FvS dropped because he thought we weren't going to complete and I'm still laughing thinking about it. Someone (who shall remain nameless) forced me to lead so fortunately the noob implication was on me.
    ~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~
    ~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~

  15. #55
    Community Member Nexx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Attropos View Post
    By putting vets/trs into the title, I discourage people who don't know their way to the quest, and know the quest well enough to keep up.
    This is kind of a sad way to go about things..tbh you were a newb/noob once and how did you learn the game? People took you under their wing and showed you. How else are people supposed to learn where the quest is if people like you don't even give them the time of day? Everyone starts at the bottom, but we all need help to move up. Think about that next time someone doesn't let you into their group.
    Laughing at you G.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nexx View Post
    This is kind of a sad way to go about things..tbh you were a newb/noob once and how did you learn the game? People took you under their wing and showed you. How else are people supposed to learn where the quest is if people like you don't even give them the time of day? Everyone starts at the bottom, but we all need help to move up. Think about that next time someone doesn't let you into their group.
    I learned the game the hard way, like a lot of people that came in (or in my case, came back) when F2P came out. I learned through trial and error; the time I made this forums account was about the same time I started running with anyone who knew what they were doing.

    The difference between someone who runs with good players and someone who runs with bad players is about 6 months. People will learn faster when running with people who know the game, but given a decent amount of time, anyone can learn this game. It is really not that difficult thing to do.

    Look, I never said I want to discourage teaching newbs. If you read my other posts, I encourage people to do teaching runs. I just don't feel like doing them all the time, or even most of the time. If I'm not in a teaching mood, newbs will just get frustrated. It's saving both my side and their side the trouble.

    I play this game a lot to relax. It's not relaxing carrying people (sometimes literally) through quests.
    Proud Piker of Elite Raiders

  17. #57
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    Default Meh

    Quote Originally Posted by Hordo View Post
    Hey...that spot is reserved!
    Your reputation is over rated you don't die nearly enough these days. Heck the last time we ran I think I died more than you. You're out of practice old man.
    If the toon is named after a beer 17 of them are mine & 1 more not named after a beer (the black sheep of the family). Beware there are a few beer imposters out there. Unless the toon has been "Banned From All Guilds" it's a fake Beer_Dude. Fake Beer in your group leaves a nasty taste.

  18. #58
    Community Member taurean430's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hordo View Post
    Hey...that spot is reserved!
    If I run into you again sir while TR'ing my wizzy doing Ghosts of Perdition... you have competition :P

  19. #59
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    Default This is why Khyber is the primo server

    Quote Originally Posted by Beer_Dude View Post
    Only because some nice folks Like Lorich, Hordo Boldrin, Emili, BabyGirl, Aussie, Aranticus, Norg, and all the others I forgot to mention who took the time and taught it to me. Maybe that was poor time invested by them?
    Lorriches taught me how to buff on the fly one time. I will not forget this.
    Aranticus taught me how to twitch one day in the desert. I have not forgotten that.
    3-manned Threnal with Pyce and Twistedmetal in 2008. I have not forgetten the tactics in that one either.

    Yet those were not Vet/TR lfms. But they were Vets then. Khyber wouldn't be the primo server it is, if it were all vet/tr lfm's.
    Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others

  20. #60
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    Aranticus taught me how to play my monk.
    Mts, Cloey and I three manned TS elite at lvl. That was awesome!
    Beer_Dude taught me way to do the Crucible that only requires 2 saves.

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