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  1. #1
    Community Member hockeyrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default might trade +5 silver pure good handwraps

    I looted these in epic devils assault and have yet not decided on whether to sell or not. However, I was thinking of getting a good idea what I might get in way of offers. Anyway, I know they are very valuable and worth alot so just wanted to get an idea about how much?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    You might find someone desperate enough not wanting to run eDA, but given the drop rate has gone up, the offers will likely be lower than historically as the people with resources to throw items at you are usually the same people who run eDA into the ground themselves.

    Personally now I've seen them drop and the occurrence is much higher, I'm determined to get my own and not pay, but that's my bloody-mindedness. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Community Member NeutronStar's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by hockeyrama View Post
    I looted these in epic devils assault and have yet not decided on whether to sell or not. However, I was thinking of getting a good idea what I might get in way of offers. Anyway, I know they are very valuable and worth alot so just wanted to get an idea about how much?
    They are no longer as valuable as you think they are.


    Because handwraps with some metallic property (cold iron, silver, byeshk, adamantine) drop quite regularly in Epic DA. They even drop fairly often in Elite DA.

    If you get an offer of a single Red or 2 LDS's for it, I'd take it in an instant.

  4. #4
    Community Member hockeyrama's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    ok cool.
    Actually as mentioned i was not fully intent on selling. I use them now and when i tr my monk i now have the option of going dark and have dr breaker with no worries.

    Also, i don't craft so this makes it easy.

  5. #5
    Community Member hockeyrama's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    the other really cool thing is there are min level 10. So ty for the notice and i guess i will just enjoy them.

  6. #6
    Community Member NeutronStar's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by hockeyrama View Post
    ok cool.
    Actually as mentioned i was not fully intent on selling. I use them now and when i tr my monk i now have the option of going dark and have dr breaker with no worries.

    Also, i don't craft so this makes it easy.
    Quote Originally Posted by hockeyrama View Post
    the other really cool thing is there are min level 10. So ty for the notice and i guess i will just enjoy them.
    For sure. They are pretty decent for a Dark monk. It certainly wouldn't kill you to keep them.

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