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  1. #1
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    Default Divine buffs worth the slot

    I has some noobish question about divine buffs, and which are worth casting.
    I must admit that im sometimes confused when difrent buffs crossmatch their bonuses like prayer and recitacion are both luck and alter tohit but also are different with other things.

    I figure out some pure winers: fom, dw, resist. But after that what you consider most useful, if you play divine whats your buff package and when, or if you play mostly melee what you like best, and without which you can live.

    Thank you for your help.
    Last edited by licho; 08-03-2011 at 08:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    spawn screen is like the most important spell to have ever.

    but protection from evil, holy aura, nightshield are very good must haves.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    if forced to choose between Prayer and Recitation i always throw Prayer.. might only be +1 to hit, saves, whatever.. but its also +1 to damage for the entire party which recitation lacks, great for boss beatdowns or shorter fights where more DPS helps.

    Holy aura is also great esp when you can blind a large group.. the blindness section gives 50% miss chance and i think that its auto SA damage.

    Magic circle is great for the few times you need it.. being commanded is never a good thing.

    Prot from energy is also a good buffer against spell dmage.

    usually i throw a prot and dw mass at the start of the quest and essential resists if theres no pally/ranger. All other buffs i cast on the fly or as theyre needed.
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  4. #4
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Deathpact is a great one. Sure you lose 2con, but you gain the ability to die, quickly self-rez, and pretend your death didn't really happen heh.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Khellendros13's Avatar
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    Definitely Recitation and Holy Aura if you want to save sp with casters around - +6 to saves will push even dex dumped melees to a half decent save. Great to have on a Horath or Abishai tank.

    Prayer is good for the +1 dmg but also -1 to attack for enemies if you have an AC tank.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    Numot talks enough for like 10 people. So yeah, 13 people in that channel.

  6. #6
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    Quest Start Group buffs
    - DW mass because it covers stuff differently than Deathblock
    - Mass Prot Elements - free HP effectively on all toons
    - Magic Circle of Protection - because everyone says the saves bonus stacks (no way I could prove it though)
    - Mass Aid - just for the free HP(less important above 10th level)
    - FOM if required for quest and no rangers/bards in quest

    Fight buffs
    - Prayer - for damage
    - Holy Aura - for the blind some buff to saves

    Personal Buffs
    - Nightshield - to stop the pesky MM and lets me not have to slot a resistance item for a long time.
    - FOM - no holds or earthgrab.
    - Cold resist (if needed - our ship doesn't have this one) - other needed resists for the quest if I didn't get to the ship.
    - Divine power or Divine Favor if I am swingin my stick at anything(rare)

    Occasional use
    - Spell Resist, Mass - if caster heavy quest and it might help even 10% of the time it will likely save me SP in the end.

    Party Buff
    - Greater Command - cast and move on to the next group as the melees clean up -best buff in the game since noone gets hit while it is running.

    But I have gone from a buff heavy first life to a buff light second life and dish out more pain with my casting. Or fix the occasional booboo if needed.
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  7. #7
    Community Member pseudomasochist's Avatar
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    In addition to the usual elemental resistance, FoM, and DW:
    Protection From Evil/Magic Circle Against Evil: protect against Command
    Prayer: +1 luck damage for party, no save debuff nearby enemies
    Recitation: +2 luck attack for party
    Holy Aura: +4 stacking saves for party, no save blind nearby enemies

    Melee builds will also want:
    Divine Favor: up to +3 luck damage and attack for self
    Divine Power: full BAB for self

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