Lithic, check this:
I think you can buy it online, after reading the comments.
Lithic, check this:
I think you can buy it online, after reading the comments.
Goat, Sammich, Poultry
Good to know, thanks!
Now I remember when I visit US last summer. There were Japanese supermarket and lots of Japanese snacks were on stock.
If that kind of supermarket is somewhat near from OP's home, you might want to check there, with your kid of course
Senbei is my favorite too, especially 歌舞伎揚げ(kabuki-age)It's kind of flied senbei, taste somewhat similar to teriyaki.
English is not my primary language, so please excuse my grammar and spelling
There is a snack "chip" that comes in an orange bag, kinda like potato chips or has a picture of a whole Shrimp on it and is shrimp flavored.
Pretty good. Just about the only thing at a Japanese store I felt safe eating.
The Squid Jerky is ok too.
They are also found of KimChi, but that is really Korean.
At every restrurant in Japan, I survived on Curry Rice...usually with Pork (Katsu Kuri).
Kinda funny that the only Japanese foods I liked were not really Japanese.
Curry Rice (Curry is Indian)
Ramen (which is Chinese)
Yaki Niku (which is Korean BBQ)
Well they don't call it pizza either. emm... Okonomiyaki. Don't even think of it as pizza. Unless you really put odd toppings on your own at home.
Oh yeah, and "tako" is octopus.
Ah, that style. *nods* I'm more prone to the nori wrapped "stick" version myself. Then again it is what I can find locally easily.