looking for torc scroll willing to sweeten the deal with 2 reds contact me in game on my alt imaginger
looking for torc scroll willing to sweeten the deal with 2 reds contact me in game on my alt imaginger
wish i had one , nice pull
I'm lucky? I was with you and I pull a Hyeana Claw scroll. You are the scroll master my brother..... atleast when I am with you .
Krylor----Lauralinn----Thorriin----Hunii----Ciinder----Holdiin---- Leader of A Better Place
" You are not only yourself but everyone and everything around you!"
Man that scroll is pretty rare i wish i had torq to trade for that.
Great pull Thirt! +1 Reps for you!!!
Work it harder. Make it better. Do it faster. Makes me stronger.
~~~My Toons~~~
~~~ Fastaa - My Main ~~~ Salankor - Necro Wizard ~~~ Vorech - Dark Monk ~~~ Varzymn - Bank Toon ~~~
Hey didn't I mail you a Torq scroll ?
Flashious, Slashious, Bashious, Delushous, SifuTam Toustious, Sneakious
Officer - Templar - Cannith
Wow, great scroll man!
If I had I would trade for it just to sell it with MUCH more profit!
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke