After many hours of meditation I decided to trade an unbound +4 wis tome. Auction ends on Tuesday August 2nd at 8:00 pm GMT +1.
If you are interested in the trade, pls post your offers here (do not send me pms with offers pls) so others can see that serious offer was made.
Lowest offer I am willing to trade it for: 5 red scales. I am interested mainly in reds, but will take any valuables like scrolls or lds.
If you would like to offer scrolls instead of reds, feel free to put them in your offer – but since I do not have much time nowadays for playing, I will try to trade them for reds. I checked ghallanda marketplace and I am putting here some scrolls and their value (at least for me) – remember you can value those scrolls more than me, but I dont want to end with a MC scroll with a big value and noone willing to pay it.
In case you are swimming in lds, 1 red = 2 LDS
Cloak Scroll - 3 reds 1 LDS
Charged Gauntlets -3 red scales
Boots of Corrosion - 2 red scales 1LDS
Prices: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=318219 (I lowered price for each scroll of 1 LDS, so I can be sure I can trade it in future)
Helm of Frost – 2 reds
Price: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=330108
Glowes of the Claw – 5 reds
I dont know what is the price for desert scrolls, I know that some desert scrolls have a big value, but again, I am accepting scrolls only to trade them. So if you want to offer a desert scroll – I accept only those which can be trade for reds – in such case pls write value of the scroll (if you will value it for more than it could be traded, I will not accept your price). I am not nterested in house ph, deneith or VON scrolls (mby sos scroll, but totally unsure of its value).
SS I have my tome: