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Thread: WTT +4 wis tome

  1. #1
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    Default WTT +4 wis tome


    After many hours of meditation I decided to trade an unbound +4 wis tome. Auction ends on Tuesday August 2nd at 8:00 pm GMT +1.

    If you are interested in the trade, pls post your offers here (do not send me pms with offers pls) so others can see that serious offer was made.

    Lowest offer I am willing to trade it for: 5 red scales. I am interested mainly in reds, but will take any valuables like scrolls or lds.

    If you would like to offer scrolls instead of reds, feel free to put them in your offer – but since I do not have much time nowadays for playing, I will try to trade them for reds. I checked ghallanda marketplace and I am putting here some scrolls and their value (at least for me) – remember you can value those scrolls more than me, but I dont want to end with a MC scroll with a big value and noone willing to pay it.

    In case you are swimming in lds, 1 red = 2 LDS

    Cloak Scroll - 3 reds 1 LDS
    Charged Gauntlets -3 red scales
    Boots of Corrosion - 2 red scales 1LDS
    Prices: (I lowered price for each scroll of 1 LDS, so I can be sure I can trade it in future)

    Helm of Frost – 2 reds

    Glowes of the Claw – 5 reds

    I dont know what is the price for desert scrolls, I know that some desert scrolls have a big value, but again, I am accepting scrolls only to trade them. So if you want to offer a desert scroll – I accept only those which can be trade for reds – in such case pls write value of the scroll (if you will value it for more than it could be traded, I will not accept your price). I am not nterested in house ph, deneith or VON scrolls (mby sos scroll, but totally unsure of its value).

    SS I have my tome:

    Last edited by krtkoo; 07-29-2011 at 04:01 AM. Reason: Edited price for scroll of glowes of the claw

  2. #2
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    Highest offer till now

    Quote Originally Posted by mattysixEU View Post
    another offer: 15 of each large, 100 majors, bloodstone and chrono gloves scroll (if this isnt higher than eme's ion your opinion, i can probably add something to it.)
    Last edited by krtkoo; 07-28-2011 at 08:55 AM.

  3. #3
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    very nice Krtkoo,
    wel ill start the ball rolling although expect to get beaten
    6 flawless dragon
    +4 large scales
    +4 large stone,
    + in fact 4 of each large ingre
    + spectral gloves scroll
    + jidtz scroll
    +3greater heartof wood
    +100 majors( i know i know !)
    +1mill plat
    Last edited by Eme; 07-26-2011 at 07:46 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Superspeed_Hi5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eme View Post
    very nice Krtkoo,
    wel ill start the ball rolling although expect to get beaten
    6 flawless dragon
    +4 large scales
    +4 large stone,
    + in fact 4 of each large ingre
    + spectral gloves scroll
    + jidtz scroll
    +3greater heartof wood
    +100 majors( i know i know !)
    +1mill plat
    I cant compete with that. HOwever you should just mail the tome to Briee. Thats Briee with 2 e's. I will appreciate it. The only thing I could offer you would actually be items as I have only pulled 1 FRDS in over 40 runs.

    However I could offer 2 bloodstones, 2 spectral gloves, Firestorm Greaves. And a partridge in a pair tree.

  5. #5
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    I'M offering 4 strings of prayer beads because a scroll of gloves of claw worth 4 reds to you. Lemme laugh. If you get get one at 5 reds you caught out a great deal. 4 reds is just awfull.

    I hope anybody with a common sense will take that in consideration.
    Last edited by Lemanchot; 07-26-2011 at 11:44 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemanchot View Post
    I'M offering 4 strings of prayer beads because a scroll of gloves of claw worth 4 reds to you. Lemme laugh. If you get get one at 5 reds you caught out a great deal. 4 reds is just awfull.

    I hope anybody with a common sense will take that in consideration.
    tbh I do not have any idea what it is worth. I thought it was clear from my post. I just know I dont want to end with a bunch of scrolls I dont need / want. So I checked last trades on GH marketplace and even put links to those threads, just to make it clear where I took those prices. I didnt find thread with a glowes scroll, but I saw them on AH for 2.1 mil pp on Sunday so I thought 4 reds are usual price.

    Nevertheless I think you could just politely point out that those prices are wrong and what prices would be ok / acceptable.

    I edited the former post for glowes of the claw for 5 reds, if it is the only thing I made wrong, so be it. If I should edit other prices I will do it, all you need it is just tell it to me via pm or post here. But there is no need to be sarcastic or ironic. I play only casual, usually 1 raid / quest a day if rl issues allow me, so all info I took was from last 2 or 3 pages on ghallanda marketplace forum.

    ATM offer which made Emme is more than I wanted, so I am ok and if noone else will be interested in it, I will gladly take her offer.

  7. #7
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    sorry, i no longer have the ingreds needed, decided crafting will do more for the character. good luck
    Last edited by mattysixEU; 08-01-2011 at 05:11 PM.

  8. #8
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    You are getting some eclectic offers here. Any chance you can put a converted red cost onto the high offer?

  9. #9
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    Oh nvm. Missed the time zone and it is already over.

  10. #10
    Community Member Doubs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattysixEU View Post
    setting a buyout at 10 reds. will run it until the end of the month if i dont get a buyout.
    Quote Originally Posted by mattysixEU View Post
    another offer: 15 of each large, 100 majors, bloodstone and chrono gloves scroll (if this isnt higher than eme's ion your opinion, i can probably add something to it.)
    So you want 10 reds for a +3 tome - and that's what you are offering for a +4......

    Something went wrong somewhere.....

    Doubartina, Douberman, Doubar, Doublet, Doubes, Aikidoud, Doublefun, Doubby, Doubot, Doubey, Doubtox, Doubmachine, Doubloon and Doub.

  11. #11
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    i should have mentioned if you want me , im on mainly chunki , if not eme-1 or squint-1,,, if none of those are on grab a dirty monkey and theyll get me online via steam

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lux-Aeterna View Post
    Oh nvm. Missed the time zone and it is already over.
    ups - my bad, i didnt put there a date - auction will be closed on Tuesday August 2nd. not today...

    will upload best offer tomorrow, its midnight here, but tbh I dont know if I be able to estimate value of posted offers in reds. If my ignorance or unfamiliarity of value of scrolls can make some pple upset, I think I will be just updating best offers.

  13. #13
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    Sorry for delay, I had to ask what are worth scrolls you offered and have been told, that chrono gloves could be traded for 5 reds at least – in this point of view I think Mattys offer is better than Eme´s. Sry Eme.

    Updated the price for chrono gloves scroll.

  14. #14
    Community Member Blackmoors's Avatar
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    Heya mate, hows things?

    I dont want to make a bid, just want to point out some flaws in your value of scrolls. As we know, things value may vary from people to people and things are valued whatever people want to pay for them. Chrono scrolls used to be on high demand and very valuable because they were hard to get and difficult to farm. Nowadays, they are maybe the easiest schrolls to farm and as such, theyr value dropped a lot (you can attest to that by seeing the number of people that have Chrono scrolls for trade).

    What this means is that probably youl be hard pressed to trade your Chrono scrolls (since you told you dont need any scroll) because many people are trading them already. Since your valuing your scrolls for less its actual value (since you plan to trade them in the future for stuff you need), you should have in mind what scrolls are valued higher and what are more easy to trade. Ill list what in my opinion are the more valuable scrolls ingame based in recent trades:

    - Marilith Chain
    - Chaosblade
    - Sword of Shadows
    - Gloves of the Claw
    - Torc of Prince Rayum II
    - Green Blade
    - Bracers of the Claw
    - Envenomed Cloak
    - Charged Gauntlets
    - Boots of Corrosion
    - Helm of Frost
    - Scorched Bracers
    - Antique Greataxe

    I may have forgotten some valuable scrolls and I may be wrong on my assessment of theyr trade value (having in mind how hard they are to get and how much people are after them) but its a starting point for you to get your trade! Hope it helps.

    Cya ingame mate!
    Blackmoors (Pale Master) | Bloodrake (Defender of Siberys) | Darckmoor (Angel of Vengeance) | Doulbelades (Berserker) | Thayed (Warchanter)

  15. #15
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krtkoo View Post
    Sorry for delay, I had to ask what are worth scrolls you offered and have been told, that chrono gloves could be traded for 5 reds at least – in this point of view I think Mattys offer is better than Eme´s. Sry Eme.

    Updated the price for chrono gloves scroll.
    Chrono gloves scroll isn't worth nearly 5 reds. I bought one for 3 reds, and that's at a time when the market was fairly tight. It's worth about the same as the cloak.
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  16. #16
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    Yeah, I sell a lot of chrono scrolls myself. The abishai ones are worth 3 each and the cloak 4 (maybe). 5 is way too high.

  17. #17
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    Thx for letting me know – I changed the value because of some pms I recieved.

    Even if I put scroll of gloves for 3 frds. I still think mattys offer is better:

    Comparing (I just transfered value of stuff offered to frds - didnt put there bs + majors, cause their value is exactly the same)

    6 flawless dragon, 4 large scales(2frds), 4 large stone (1frds), spectral gloves scroll, jidtz scroll, 3greater heartof wood, 1mill plat (3-4frds?) = 12-13 frds


    15 of each large (14 lds = 7 frds, 12 lss = 3 frds, 1 lds + 2 lss = 1 frds), chrono gloves scroll = 3frds (still left 1lss) = 14 frds ,

    Only explaining why I think mattys offer is better, Auction ends on Tuesday 2 nd August.
    Last edited by krtkoo; 07-29-2011 at 04:03 AM.

  18. #18
    Community Member Blackmoors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krtkoo View Post
    Thx for letting me know – I changed the value because of some pms I recieved.

    Even if I put scroll of gloves for 3 frds. I still think mattys offer is better:

    Comparing (I just transfered value of stuff offered to frds - didnt put there bs + majors, cause their value is exactly the same)

    6 flawless dragon, 4 large scales(2frds), 4 large stone (1frds), spectral gloves scroll, jidtz scroll, 3greater heartof wood, 1mill plat (3-4frds?) = 12-13 frds


    15 of each large (14 lds = 7 frds, 12 lss = 3 frds, 1 lds + 2 lss = 1 frds), chrono gloves scroll = 3frds (still left 1lss) = 14 frds ,

    Only explaining why I think mattys offer is better, Auction ends on Tuesday 2 nd August.
    Was not saying otherwise, my post was just to let you know what scrolls are worth more - have in mind my order of scrolls is according with value since Ive seen people recently offering 20 FRDS for the Marilith Chain and 2 FRDS for the Antique Greataxe. As I said, only trying to help you out so you can heal me better ingame
    Blackmoors (Pale Master) | Bloodrake (Defender of Siberys) | Darckmoor (Angel of Vengeance) | Doulbelades (Berserker) | Thayed (Warchanter)

  19. #19
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    Auction ends today at 8:00 pm GMT +1

  20. #20
    Community Member negativeprogression's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krtkoo View Post
    Auction ends today at 8:00 pm GMT +1
    hi err do you mean 8pm uk time?... all that gmt +1 rubbish always confuses me

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