Hello DDO Brethren and Sistren,
Here's the deal:
I am on life 2 of my main and I want to get a fighter past life in after this one. Thing is, I don't like pure melee. My biggest thing is wanting to be able to self-heal pretty much from lvl 1-20. (I could live with like lvl 4-20 or something). When I say "self heal" I DO NOT mean potions. They are fine to supplement, but that's it.
1. 12+ lvls of fighter (ok only 10/11 needed for past life feat, but seems like you want kensai II if you're that close)
2. Self healing from early to late
3. Solid DPS (obviously not going to be #1)
4. THF (Why? Cuz I have a carnifex and a MIN2 Falchion.. so I don't NEED to grind more weapons for the life)
5. Does *NOT* have to be epic worthy AT ALL as I will likely TR immediately at 20.
6. Can be any race/class combo if it fits above. [EDIT: I think I wanna go Horc, so that narrows things down]
Thoughts I had-
Warchanter I?
Halfling with full marks so I could go full ftr?
Rad Serv I? (didn't seem to add any real dps where Warchanter does)
WF Fighter/Wizzy? I dunno..
My basic searching didn't come up with many builds that fit this. The ONE I saw would be a halfling 18Ftr/2Rog, but it was TWF.
One last thing- It will be moderately well geared. In addition to the weapons above, I have a GS tier 2 HP cloak (haste clickie), a set of Con-Opp goggles, and some other raid loot stuff and some moderate DT armor, etc..
Any help or advice is appreciated.