for any more hints on update 11?
Dont know if its just me...but in the last weeks or even months their hasnt been any more hint on anything about U11.
Ranged pass?
New Class?
New Prestige Classes?
New Quests/Raid?
I would be happy about anything![]()
for any more hints on update 11?
Dont know if its just me...but in the last weeks or even months their hasnt been any more hint on anything about U11.
Ranged pass?
New Class?
New Prestige Classes?
New Quests/Raid?
I would be happy about anything![]()
Orien: Drache-V36, Merkades-V6 , Askasia-Cleric
Every day...
The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular
I can bet its gonna be vast and mysterious.
Sry, someone had to say it.![]()
I'm expecting a little announcement at GenCon this weekend, and the big announcement at PAX at the end of August.
yes, I could imagine them keeping update 11 on hold till PAX, especially if it has the long expected new class like they did when the halfblood races were released. While I don't expect a preview on lamma before PAX, some release notes about updated PREs like the long awaited Ninja Spy III or a new Deepwood Sniper would be fine so we could plan ahead at least.
Also, if a dev is reading this: please tell us at least the outlines of planned TR feats for new classes, because this really is something to plan for if they get up to the power lvl of say, the wizard active feat.
Just remember...
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
Source is here, btw:
When update 11 comes it comes. Meanwhile I enjoy the current content very much.
Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
Guild Leader of Legends: Where adventurers are born & Legends live.
Motto: Enjoy the game, loot and XP will follow