H there i wanted to upgrade my free to play premium to vip
i paid 26 euro for 60 day gametimecard right here from turbin
now the weekend is long over i still get the same stupid error and support center didnt reply yet too
i added gametimecard code
and the whole order **** with order number to the ticked
now im close to report paypal of problem to get my money back cause of unuseable faulty product
i have to inform them intime dont want to waste my money
so my question is "whats going on here??"
i know the 5 days arent over now
but it seems like thats not a new problem
how long does it normaly take for someone over there to get this **** working?
this is the site i got the gtc
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Order Date: 7/31/2011
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60-Tage-Spielzeitkarte von Dungeons & Dragons Online
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