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Ok, so I understand that this game is a premium game and many of the items and adventures bought are supposed to be better than the ones available to all, but generally I thought there was supposed to exist a balance between classes, in terms of uses and power.
This post is dedicated to how I believe that clerics are completely gimped in comparison to fvs, and basically should have some form of a perk over them.
Going over this, think of the pros and cons to fvs and cleric.
Pros: much more sp
Pre that allows for better offensive fighting and casting
Better melee capability
natural resistances
Speed burst via wings
Ends up with all the spells clerics can have
Not as many spell slots
spells one level earlier
No turn undead
Pros: turn undead
more spell slots
spells one level earlier
Cons: not as much sp. Not nearly
Pre not nearly as usefull
Cannot successfully offensive cast due to lack of sp and
not as much power
Basically, one things stands out. Aside from turning dead, Fvs make better healbots due to sp, better melee due to the pre and their enhancments, better buffbots due to high sp, better offensive casters due to the pre and the sp and they get a better capstone, better past life feat and better perks from the religeons
The only comparison I can think of between the two is like sorc to wis. However, with that, wizards have 2 pres that actually play towards what a wizard is good at, versitility. They get pm, which allows self heals and slas that reduce the cost of spell casting by allowing you to fill damage with them and use sp for other things. They get archmage, which allows them to have higher dcs, higher sp and free usage of spells from certain schools. Clerics pre is focused on turning the undead (the one perk of clerics) and healbotting, which fvs can do better. Vs fvs, which be better healbots, simply because of increased sp. Clerics are supposed to be more versitile, but the lack of sp means they cant do more than one thing. The lack of feats plus emp healing required means they cant afford to put to much into being a good melee, and they dont have the racial toughnesses to back it up. Vs fvs, who have enough sp to be versitile, who have a pre that allows them to offensive cast better and a pre that is a HUGE asset to a party and to themselves.
Now, those are my opinions
I also have an opinion about the divine spells themselves. The divine spells seem incomplete. There is the necromancy and negative energy, which has spells to fill its catagory, but all other damage types dont. For instance, light. With light, you have 2 rays that loses usage at level 7 ish, you have 2 aoes, one which dies with searing light and the other which only works against undead and ooze and that you get level 17, You have 1 dot, which is the ONLY decent light spell out there for general damage. And theres a whole enhancment line around it. Vs fire damage, which has flame storm, flame strike, symbol of flame. The first two are more usefull than most forms of light damge. Then you have vague damge like cometfall and bb. Both of which are again, some of the only usefull damaging spells. They give clerics an enhancment line around light, and they turn around and make every spell from it bar one suck. Then they're good damage, which they give 1 spell to and make a whole item bonus for. That makes sense. I think they should add more light spells. They made radiant servent partly for light damage. That part of the pre is useless due to the lack of light damage spells.
And with pres, clerics should have a pre that adds to their versitility, or adds more functions to their turn undead, which the best function of turn undead is in fact turn undead. The heal aura does precious little since no one bothers to stay in it, and its healing is not enough to make much of a difference.
Either the pre, or fvs should get a gimp. Because aside from turning undead, fvs are better at everything in comparison to clerics. Just my two sense. I want to hear other peoples suggestions, and more than likely, tell me that I am wrong and should die in a hole.
Well, comment!
Sincerely, koechophe