So I've finally gotten the 2500 favor to unlock the Favored Soul. Just started a WF lord of blades type FvS a week ago. Never played divines before, so it's been fun learning something new. I did check out some of the builds on the forums for some ideas getting started, but a lot of the discussion went into stuff that were beyond my understanding. I had some questions I hope veteran FvS players can help me with. Actually, quite a number a questions.
1. It seems that Maximize and Quicken feats are pretty much taken by everyone. I just found out that Empower does not work with Heals though, only Empower Healing. Didn't know that. Does anyone take both Empower and Empower Heal? Kinda like having Empower for the blade barriers and Empower Heals for when I need to focus on healing. Even if it'll cost me 2 feats. Do Empower and Empower Healing stack for cure spells?
Take Max/Quicken/Emp Healing. Emp healing is the only meta that will work on the actual spell 'Heal' and 'Mass Heal'
2. The FvS gets 3 elemental resistances. I think Fire is a given considering the amount of fire-based attacks and lava pools in the game. Most of the builds I see in the forums take Cold and Electricity, but I've always found Acid attacks to be more annoying leveling up my other characters. Why Cold and Electricity? Are there different thoughts on this?
Most acid damage that you take will be under 10 damage, so a resist will cover it, the elec and cold spells in the game sometimes hit for around 70-80 damage, so the extra 10 resist helps more.
3. When leveling, where do greatsword wielding FvS slot usually their devotion or potency items if I don't want to have to swap gear every time I cast healing spells? I made a Superior Devotion III ring, but that's the limit of my current crafting skills. Lots of Superior Devotion or Potency gear on 1H weapons and shields in the AH, but rings are a bit too pricey for me.
Most people use Ardor Clickies to level, they give you 3mins of 75% per click instead of a standing 50% from potency/Devotion
4. Is there any point to taking just the 1st tier of the THF feat for extra glancing blow dmg? Or should I just take Power Attack? I find myself missing more than I like even without the -5 from PA at this time.
It depends, if you are twitching dont bother with THF feats, you cant take all THF feats due to needing meta's. PA is essential for any mele build and shouldnt be scrapped. Are you using Divine favor and Divine Might, it will increase your to-hit
5. At lvl 20, how much additional SP do you get for each 2 points of CHA? It seems that neither melee FvS or evoker FvS builds put any level ups into CHA.
so little sp so that putting levelups into CHA is pointless on any build since Evoker needs Spell DC's so you need Wis, mele FVS needs STR for damage, not to mention that FVS's already get a ton of SP
6. Is there any place to buy Superior Ardor V or VI potions? Or is it clickies only?
You can buy greater ardor pots in House J, not sure if they go up to V, but clickies are realitivly easy to aquire
7. What are the 'must have' healer gear in the end-game?
eSoS, Amara's Belt HP GS Item, Tharnes Goggles To name a few.
Sorry for the long list, guess I had more questions than I originally thought. Any advice is appreciated. And thanks in advance