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  1. #1
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    Default Questions from a new FvS

    So I've finally gotten the 2500 favor to unlock the Favored Soul. Just started a WF lord of blades type FvS a week ago. Never played divines before, so it's been fun learning something new. I did check out some of the builds on the forums for some ideas getting started, but a lot of the discussion went into stuff that were beyond my understanding. I had some questions I hope veteran FvS players can help me with. Actually, quite a number a questions.

    1. It seems that Maximize and Quicken feats are pretty much taken by everyone. I just found out that Empower does not work with Heals though, only Empower Healing. Didn't know that. Does anyone take both Empower and Empower Heal? Kinda like having Empower for the blade barriers and Empower Heals for when I need to focus on healing. Even if it'll cost me 2 feats. Do Empower and Empower Healing stack for cure spells?

    2. The FvS gets 3 elemental resistances. I think Fire is a given considering the amount of fire-based attacks and lava pools in the game. Most of the builds I see in the forums take Cold and Electricity, but I've always found Acid attacks to be more annoying leveling up my other characters. Why Cold and Electricity? Are there different thoughts on this?

    3. When leveling, where do greatsword wielding FvS slot usually their devotion or potency items if I don't want to have to swap gear every time I cast healing spells? I made a Superior Devotion III ring, but that's the limit of my current crafting skills. Lots of Superior Devotion or Potency gear on 1H weapons and shields in the AH, but rings are a bit too pricey for me.

    4. Is there any point to taking just the 1st tier of the THF feat for extra glancing blow dmg? Or should I just take Power Attack? I find myself missing more than I like even without the -5 from PA at this time.

    5. At lvl 20, how much additional SP do you get for each 2 points of CHA? It seems that neither melee FvS or evoker FvS builds put any level ups into CHA.

    6. Is there any place to buy Superior Ardor V or VI potions? Or is it clickies only?

    7. What are the 'must have' healer gear in the end-game?

    Sorry for the long list, guess I had more questions than I originally thought. Any advice is appreciated. And thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Community Member The_Brave2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexdesuu View Post
    So I've finally gotten the 2500 favor to unlock the Favored Soul. Just started a WF lord of blades type FvS a week ago. Never played divines before, so it's been fun learning something new. I did check out some of the builds on the forums for some ideas getting started, but a lot of the discussion went into stuff that were beyond my understanding. I had some questions I hope veteran FvS players can help me with. Actually, quite a number a questions.

    1. It seems that Maximize and Quicken feats are pretty much taken by everyone. I just found out that Empower does not work with Heals though, only Empower Healing. Didn't know that. Does anyone take both Empower and Empower Heal? Kinda like having Empower for the blade barriers and Empower Heals for when I need to focus on healing. Even if it'll cost me 2 feats. Do Empower and Empower Healing stack for cure spells?

    Take Max/Quicken/Emp Healing. Emp healing is the only meta that will work on the actual spell 'Heal' and 'Mass Heal'

    2. The FvS gets 3 elemental resistances. I think Fire is a given considering the amount of fire-based attacks and lava pools in the game. Most of the builds I see in the forums take Cold and Electricity, but I've always found Acid attacks to be more annoying leveling up my other characters. Why Cold and Electricity? Are there different thoughts on this?

    Most acid damage that you take will be under 10 damage, so a resist will cover it, the elec and cold spells in the game sometimes hit for around 70-80 damage, so the extra 10 resist helps more.

    3. When leveling, where do greatsword wielding FvS slot usually their devotion or potency items if I don't want to have to swap gear every time I cast healing spells? I made a Superior Devotion III ring, but that's the limit of my current crafting skills. Lots of Superior Devotion or Potency gear on 1H weapons and shields in the AH, but rings are a bit too pricey for me.

    Most people use Ardor Clickies to level, they give you 3mins of 75% per click instead of a standing 50% from potency/Devotion

    4. Is there any point to taking just the 1st tier of the THF feat for extra glancing blow dmg? Or should I just take Power Attack? I find myself missing more than I like even without the -5 from PA at this time.

    It depends, if you are twitching dont bother with THF feats, you cant take all THF feats due to needing meta's. PA is essential for any mele build and shouldnt be scrapped. Are you using Divine favor and Divine Might, it will increase your to-hit

    5. At lvl 20, how much additional SP do you get for each 2 points of CHA? It seems that neither melee FvS or evoker FvS builds put any level ups into CHA.

    so little sp so that putting levelups into CHA is pointless on any build since Evoker needs Spell DC's so you need Wis, mele FVS needs STR for damage, not to mention that FVS's already get a ton of SP

    6. Is there any place to buy Superior Ardor V or VI potions? Or is it clickies only?

    You can buy greater ardor pots in House J, not sure if they go up to V, but clickies are realitivly easy to aquire

    7. What are the 'must have' healer gear in the end-game?

    eSoS, Amara's Belt HP GS Item, Tharnes Goggles To name a few.

    Sorry for the long list, guess I had more questions than I originally thought. Any advice is appreciated. And thanks in advance
    answers in blue, hope that helps a little.
    Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~
    Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~
    Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
    Quote Originally Posted by Cubethulu View Post
    Now now, only I may eat the kittens. *burp*
    Quote Originally Posted by IWZincedge View Post
    This horse is dead, y'all. Quit ridin' it.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the quick response!

    1. Since my WIS is going to be low, I assume that enemies will be saving against my BB's for half dmg because of crappy DCs. Does BB do that much dmg even just maximized and not empowered?

    7. Sorry, what I meant was end game gear that helps when I have to focus on healing only ^^;
    I haven't even been able to pull a regular SoS on any toon Have much better luck with Tharnes though.

  4. #4
    Community Member The_Brave2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexdesuu View Post
    Thanks for the quick response!

    1. Since my WIS is going to be low, I assume that enemies will be saving against my BB's for half dmg because of crappy DCs. Does BB do that much dmg even just maximized and not empowered?

    WF lotB's dont focus on evocation spec spells, they hit stuff with a Greatsword, so yes, everything is going to be saving for half damage, you wont use it much at Cap but you will use it while leveling, and yes, it will still own everything.

    7. Sorry, what I meant was end game gear that helps when I have to focus on healing only ^^;
    I haven't even been able to pull a regular SoS on any toon Have much better luck with Tharnes though.

    For healing only? all you need is the Amara's belt and you are golden.
    Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~
    Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~
    Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
    Quote Originally Posted by Cubethulu View Post
    Now now, only I may eat the kittens. *burp*
    Quote Originally Posted by IWZincedge View Post
    This horse is dead, y'all. Quit ridin' it.

  5. #5
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexdesuu View Post
    1. It seems that Maximize and Quicken feats are pretty much taken by everyone. I just found out that Empower does not work with Heals though, only Empower Healing. Didn't know that. Does anyone take both Empower and Empower Heal? Kinda like having Empower for the blade barriers and Empower Heals for when I need to focus on healing. Even if it'll cost me 2 feats. Do Empower and Empower Healing stack for cure spells?
    Maximize, Empower, and Empower Healing all work on the Cure class spells.
    Only Empower Healing works on Heal and Mass Heal, as mentioned.

    Going with Maximize and Empower allows you to have good supplemental damage with Divine Punishment, along with the occasional Blade Barrier.

    Going with Empower Healing would help in the selected fights where boosting up the Heal or Mass Heal spell is helpful.

    Note that FvS's get enhancements to reduce the cost of Empower, but not Empower Heal; while Clerics get the other way around.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexdesuu View Post
    2. The FvS gets 3 elemental resistances. I think Fire is a given considering the amount of fire-based attacks and lava pools in the game. Most of the builds I see in the forums take Cold and Electricity, but I've always found Acid attacks to be more annoying leveling up my other characters. Why Cold and Electricity? Are there different thoughts on this?
    Two schools of thought, neither is really better than one another, it's all just a matter of opinion.

    Fire, Cold, and Electricity often come in large packets, so adding an additional 10 on TOP of resists can be a nice bit of damage mitigation.

    Acid and Sonic typically come in small doses, so the native 10 resists here allow you to not have to cast resists for those elements.

    Everyone generally takes Fire simply because it is the most common source of elemental damage, and every bit of damage mitigation against Fire helps.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexdesuu View Post
    3. When leveling, where do greatsword wielding FvS slot usually their devotion or potency items if I don't want to have to swap gear every time I cast healing spells? I made a Superior Devotion III ring, but that's the limit of my current crafting skills. Lots of Superior Devotion or Potency gear on 1H weapons and shields in the AH, but rings are a bit too pricey for me.
    At low levels, Ardor potions. They are sold in the potion vendor in House J, if I remember correctly. Ardor clickies can also be used. There are a few named Devotion and Potency items that can be used when levelling up, if you so choose. Chainmail Coif, Mask of Comedy, Gauntlets of Eternity, and the Belt of the Seven Idols are just a few of the useful named items that can cover those purposes. The set bonus for the Sora Kell set is also a possibility (that also boosts your Divine Punishment and Blade Barrier damage).

    At high levels, the Amara's Belt and Tokala's Belt both provide Superior Ardor 8, for 18 total minutes of 75% higher healing. These generally will take you completely through shrines. It's still useful to have a Superior Devotion 6 or Superior Potency 6 item to swap to if you need to help recover from a near-wipe, and don't have time to activate an Ardor clickie.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexdesuu View Post
    4. Is there any point to taking just the 1st tier of the THF feat for extra glancing blow dmg? Or should I just take Power Attack? I find myself missing more than I like even without the -5 from PA at this time.
    Power Attack is considered critical for any melee. With a good strength build, at high levels you should be able to hit on a 2 against almost any non-epic mob. Divine Favor, Divine Power, and attack bonus items (Spectral Gloves or a Cannith crafted item) can all help boost up your to-hit. At low levels, almost everyone suffers hit issues, so Power Attack is something you only situationally turn on.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexdesuu View Post
    5. At lvl 20, how much additional SP do you get for each 2 points of CHA? It seems that neither melee FvS or evoker FvS builds put any level ups into CHA.
    29ish SP per 2 CHA. Not really worth investing a lot into it. If you plan to do certain raids or epics where Disjunction is used often, you want to have enough CHA to still be able to cast your essential heal spells if you happen to lose your CHA item. The Abbot raid (Accursed Ascension), the epic Against the Demon Queen pre-raid, and epic Chain of Flames all have Disjunction used.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexdesuu View Post
    7. What are the 'must have' healer gear in the end-game?
    For healing purposes, mostly some form of item based healing boost. Usually it's done via the Amrath Ardor belts. Having some permanent Potency or Devotion item (even as just something to swap to in emergencies) is still useful but situational to help recover from a near wipe. A stack of Heal scrolls is very useful to conserve SP, especially in endurance races like ToD, VoD, Epic Chain of Flames, Epic ADQ1, Epic Devil's Assault, and many others.

    Otherwise, the general things that apply to all players. Heavy Fortification (since your Warforged, Moderate Fortification will still get you to 100%), items to cover your important stats (CON, STR, CHA), as many HP boosting items as you can (Greater False Life, Greensteel HP items). SP boosting items also help, as they give double SP to FvS's and Sorcs. A Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II and a Concordant Opposition Greensteel item are not necessary, but are huge boosts to the power of any caster who intends to get hit a lot.

    On a Warforged FvS, on top of your healing and general purpose gear, you will want to get as much healing amplification as possible. Generally, this is done via a Blood Docent at low levels, then a Dragontouched at high levels. The Epic Gloves of the Claw, in addition to providing half on one of the most potent melee sets around, includes 30% healing amp.

    Finally, any gear to boost your DPS. Tharnes Goggles is great, the base SoS is great, and the epic SoS is incredibly powerful. A Seeker item (typically Blood Stone) also is considered nearly essential.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexdesuu View Post
    1. Since my WIS is going to be low, I assume that enemies will be saving against my BB's for half dmg because of crappy DCs. Does BB do that much dmg even just maximized and not empowered?
    Without any other modifiers, probably about 100 a hit at level if they save. It's good as supplemental DPS, especially when you are gathering up trash or kiting things in order for the group to pick off 1 mob at a time; and it's great for solo'ing Amrath quests.

    Divine Punishment, as a triple stack, without any other modifiers besides Maximize, should still land for 150 per tick, probably a bit more due to the FvS prestige class.

  6. #6
    Community Member The_Brave2's Avatar
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    Also, forgot to add. get Extend. Being able to extend divine favor and divine power will help out alot while leveling. some people drop it for empower or Ada body at cap

    Edit: Also, as stated healing amp is important, the EGloves of the claw (30%) WF Healers friend 1 (15%) Tod ring (20%) will all help your healing amp get above 100%
    Last edited by The_Brave2; 08-01-2011 at 10:20 PM.
    Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~
    Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~
    Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
    Quote Originally Posted by Cubethulu View Post
    Now now, only I may eat the kittens. *burp*
    Quote Originally Posted by IWZincedge View Post
    This horse is dead, y'all. Quit ridin' it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexdesuu View Post
    So I've finally gotten the 2500 favor to unlock the Favored Soul. Just started a WF lord of blades type FvS a week ago. Never played divines before, so it's been fun learning something new. I did check out some of the builds on the forums for some ideas getting started, but a lot of the discussion went into stuff that were beyond my understanding. I had some questions I hope veteran FvS players can help me with. Actually, quite a number a questions.

    1. It seems that Maximize and Quicken feats are pretty much taken by everyone. I just found out that Empower does not work with Heals though, only Empower Healing. Didn't know that. Does anyone take both Empower and Empower Heal? Kinda like having Empower for the blade barriers and Empower Heals for when I need to focus on healing. Even if it'll cost me 2 feats. Do Empower and Empower Healing stack for cure spells?
    I suggest not to pick empower feat for lord of blades type fvs, empower is strongly recommended for fulltime evoker fvs. Empower doesnot effect heals at all.

    2. The FvS gets 3 elemental resistances. I think Fire is a given considering the amount of fire-based attacks and lava pools in the game. Most of the builds I see in the forums take Cold and Electricity, but I've always found Acid attacks to be more annoying leveling up my other characters. Why Cold and Electricity? Are there different thoughts on this?
    I prefer fire, acid, electricity

    3. When leveling, where do greatsword wielding FvS slot usually their devotion or potency items if I don't want to have to swap gear every time I cast healing spells? I made a Superior Devotion III ring, but that's the limit of my current crafting skills. Lots of Superior Devotion or Potency gear on 1H weapons and shields in the AH, but rings are a bit too pricey for me.
    you are a fighter/buffer/healer type fvs, I prefer to have arcane lore like xoriat madness(on armor) or gauntlets of eternity(gloves-must have for effective healing on fvs) etc

    4. Is there any point to taking just the 1st tier of the THF feat for extra glancing blow dmg? Or should I just take Power Attack? I find myself missing more than I like even without the -5 from PA at this time.
    PA is very useful at mid and high lvls, must have

    5. At lvl 20, how much additional SP do you get for each 2 points of CHA? It seems that neither melee FvS or evoker FvS builds put any level ups into CHA.
    2 cha = 30sp i think not worth going for it imo
    6. Is there any place to buy Superior Ardor V or VI potions? Or is it clickies only?
    Can Use amarath clickies

    7. What are the 'must have' healer gear in the end-game?

    Mellkor put nice end gear items refer this:

    Sorry for the long list, guess I had more questions than I originally thought. Any advice is appreciated. And thanks in advance
    Answers in color red

  8. #8
    Community Member The_Brave2's Avatar
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    As per the post above this, mostly true, but having a healing lore item is defiantly not essential on a WF LotB. Having the Epic Claw set for Damage, +2 Exc Con, allowing use of 20% healing amp on your tod ring, is much better. not to mention the extra 4 Damage before crit multipliers.

    Heres how I have my WF Gear Setup:

    Helm: Epic Helm of the Red Dragon
    Docent: Epic Red Dragonscale Docent
    Goggles: Tharnes
    Neck: Torc
    Trinket: Bloodstone (hopefully Epic soon)
    Cloak: GS HP Conc opp
    Belt: Ravager set belt
    Ring: Ravager/+2STR
    Ring: +1 con/20% amp ring
    Glove: Epic gloves of the claw
    Boot: GS SP lighting guard
    Wrist: Epic Bracers of the Claw

    Granted, alot of that gear is difficult to get, the helm/docent can be changed to Quarforged Docent/minos untill you can complete your gear setup.
    Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~
    Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~
    Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
    Quote Originally Posted by Cubethulu View Post
    Now now, only I may eat the kittens. *burp*
    Quote Originally Posted by IWZincedge View Post
    This horse is dead, y'all. Quit ridin' it.

  9. #9
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    Thanks for all the responses!

    I think I'll go with Empower Healing over Empower. I was concerned that without both Empower and Maximize, BB's and DP dmg would be too gimp. But it sounds like even just Maximized only, the dmg would still be at least decent.

    Seems like ardor clickies are the way to go. I can already see myself always forgetting to use it though :P

    Time to go level up my FvS so I can go run the same quests/raids over and over for some of that gear

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