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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Where is the support?

    I am just wondering how an item goes missing from my bank while trying to place in my inventory. I wore the item for weeks on my ftr, got an upgrade, placed the old item in my shared bank, attempted to retrieve said item from shared on another char, bank would not interact due to lag while I was dbl clicking the item, logged out and back in, and discovered my item was no longer in my bank and not in my inventory. I submit a ticket, and get told there is no way to verify I ever had the item, at which point I submitted another and was able to speak with 2 people in game. Both telling me there was nothing that could be done to verify I ever had the item...I submit a 3rd ticket and I am told action will be taken against me for abuse if I do not let this go... The only action that will take place is not renewing a subscription at the end of the month. So I shall now get to the point of this post. How is it not possible to verify an item that was worn for 2 weeks, and then placed in a shared account minutes prior to logging off? Are there any logs of my ftr and his bank interactions? I wouldnt know because when I kept asking for the GM to tell me what was in the log I was ignored. Customer service...lacking is an understatement. If there was any service to speak of, one would be able to call the company and speak with an associate regarding the in-game issues of game play.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default i second that

    there is no Ingame support what so ever they treat the players like **** they never help with any thing i my self had some stuff come up missing and put in a ticket saying i was missing some stuff and had empty bag space. the gm responed empty my bags and the items will appear i then sent another ticket asking to speak to some one cause the gm did understand what i was saying they then told me my bags where full and i was looking at my characters bags and had one and half bags empty nothing in them. i asked if they could see what was in my bags the said yes they are full and they wherent i have a screen shot of my bags being empty at the time with the gm saying it was full with the blue gm text as he or she talked to me they said i had to empty some space to get the overflow when i had no overflow icon and 30 empty spaces they said if i kept asking i to would be in truble for account abuse i to am a p2p player and the fact that the treated me is in breech of the terms of service. i called them up and talk to a csr who said they cant help me that the gms have the power to do that stuff and asked for compensation for the way i was treated and was told they couldnt verify i was treated badly or poorly so i agree with you there is no support. i am still tring to found out what my 14.99 a month goes for i have every thing i can buy before i became vip so if i go f2p i still have every thing. there is no way to get anyone to help you sorry you had the same run in with them it sucks.

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