I've bit the bullet. The old site was on a slow provider, and old platform for forums and cms. I've moved it to a new provider, and speeds have increased dramatically. What used to download at 45Kbps, now downloads at 1.7Mbps. The platform has changed from PHPNuke, to vBulletin with vBAdvanced CMS.
Those of you that were registered on the old site, are already registered on the new one. All accounts have been moved over, so use your old logons and passwords.
I still have quite a bit of clean up to do with posts within the site. Images that are refrenced to the old site need to be updated (they still work as the old site is still in existance). There are a few mods I still need to re-write from scratch to make work on the new platform.
Overall its ready for public consumption. Hope you enjoy it!
http://www.inferussus.com is the new address.