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You are also aware that a 'true' undead has a - (dash) as con score right? Meaning no modifier at all, all those fancy little con boosts you have don't mean jack when there's nothing to boost in the first place. meaning you'd most likely lose a big chunk of HP whenever you go undead (as in, you have 20D8 (undead HD)+Items+feats)
'true' undead form: 160 hit dice, 20 heroic toughness, 22 toughness, 10 draconic vitality, 20 toughness item, 45 shroudcraft HP, 30 greater false life. = roughly 307 HP
half undead/current: 80 Hit die, 20 heroic toughness, 22 toughness, 10 draconic vitality, 20 toughness item, 45 shroudcraft HP, 30 greater false life, 26 con standing = roughly 387 HP, which can be boosted further as much as you can raise your con score with rage, shipbuffs, higher tomes, etc.
Also, show me where a Radiant servant gets boosts to stats, undispelable deathblock, a pretty much free attack they can use at range hitting for 20D6 negative energy damage (which, if you hadn't noticed, mobs are either flat out immune to (undead/construct) or not resistant to at all),
A choice of being 25% incorporeal, having a boost to stats which are useful (most looking here at lich with it's int/con), free heavy fortification and lifeshield effects, Damage reduction,
Or better yet, show me any PRE which gives those bonuses and isn't Pale Master.
Each PRE has it's advantages, and it's disadvantages, most PRE's require crappy feats to be able to qualify in the first place, like ninja spy, which requires dodge. The barbarian has it's drawback build into the abilities it gets, he harms himself every hit he does as soon as he uses his frenzy or death frenzy (doesn't matter to much with the slew of HP most sport though). A Favored soul has the disadvantage of giving up any resemblance to stealth when he goes Angel of Vengeance. The Pale Master has the disadvantage of taking increased light damage.
The 4x on a vamp is a bit rough though, I wouldn't mind seeing that modified down to 2x to be the same with the other forms.