I've been gathering materials for a few runs of Shroud now, and I'm ready to craft my first greensteel item, which will definitely be a cloak with 150 SP. What I haven't decided is whether I should go full on concordant opposition, or should make a triple <something> item. I'm not a melee cleric, so I don't really get hit that much, however, my long term plans for this character include TR to a clonk build, where I would be taking some hits and it would presumably be more valuable. I'd appreciate any thoughts or advice on whether going with the concordant opposition item would be worth it for that build. I'm leaning towards Yes. One thought was that I could just wait for a subsequent life to add the third tier as I collect materials to reduce the current life grind a smidge. I probably won't miss the 100 SP on most content.
My second greensteel item will be a +45 hp item, which will probably be on the goggles slot, although I'm not 100% sure about that slot. Probably triple earth unless someone has a different suggestion. With the number of items I'm crafting, 20 repetitions to cleanse the second item won't be an issue.
This is a little off topic for a cleric thread, but as a third item, considering the ultimate clonk build that this will be, is there any sense in building a greensteel quarterstaff specifically for the insght AC bonus? I believe I can get into the upper 60s on AC very easily the way I'm planning the build, and probably into 70s with some twink gear. In that case, would it be worth the grind to a Min2? It sounds borderline dumb to me to waste so many materials, but if I'm going to stand in the mayhem, I'd want to be doing at least some damage, and I'm not aware of any other way to have the DR breaker and insight AC bonus.
Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.