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  1. #1
    Community Member Seidah's Avatar
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    Default Trouble with low DC's

    So, I got a wizard. He's a Pale Master, and has long since been level 20. (way to long) Hes been level 20 for long enough to see a friend of mine TR once, and and once again reach level 20. My problem is, I can't meet any of the DC's for epics.

    My wizard has a DC 37 Necromancy DC. (don't laugh too hard please DX) I struggled before with epics, managing to hold mass monster about 60% of the time (only DC 33 enchantment) because I wasn't allowed to use kill spells at that time because EVERYTHING was auto-buffed with deathward. When the semi-recent update to epics came along, I found myself unable to contribute anything at all. If I wasn't busy being owned by the spell resistance on the drow running around, everything else made my save. Basically, I think you can see my dilemma here.

    So what I ask of all the readers is to assist me with my hideously low necro dc's. Here are my current specs:

    Int 38
    18 base
    5 level
    6 int item
    4 enhancement (I'm human)
    2 lich form
    1 tome
    2 capstone

    Necromancy DC
    10 base
    9 max spell level
    14 int
    2 Greater spell focus (necromancy)
    1 necromancy focus item (no idea where to find a +2 item)
    1 lich form

    So yeah... as you can see I'm quite a bit behind a lot of people. Frankly, In all the times I've run shroud/hox/vod/reavers I've never gotten my hands on a single +3 tome, or even a +2 for that matter. (hence why I'm still stuck on +1)


    also, I have 13 completions (doesn't count all my farming runs) on shroud, and am working on an int item, but am having no luck gathering enough Large Ingredients to do so. I'm not oblivious to exceptional int.
    Last edited by Seidah; 08-02-2011 at 02:07 PM.
    Panic at the gates between all that remains bleeding through the eyes of the dead from autumn to every time I lay dying in flames at the disco... stick.

  2. #2
    Community Member Talon_Oakenleaf's Avatar
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    A plus 2 tome wont help with your current set up as it will give you an odd number on INT. You should run TOD and get a ring, any ring if it does not matter right away and put +2 int on it. If you belong to a larger guild, there is a ship buff that will laso add to your DC's, dont know the name of it. Do you have any epic gear? If you do then you can get a +1 int added to it and add your +2 tome that you can buy/trade for. That should get you up to 42 INT if my math doesn't suck.

  3. #3
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Right off the bat, look for a +2 tome. Then think about crafting somehow +1 exceptional and +2 exceptional items. you can get +1 on TOD rings, but may be faster to slot on the Tempest rune of DT armor. Both can be crafted on Greensteel weapons.

    Those two alone would be up to 4 more INT, so 2 more DC.

    Also Greater Necromancy can be found in a few places - one is Death's Touch from Mindsunder after you upgrade it. Several epic items (Abbot staff, spectacles of spirit sight, staff of inner sight, etc. etc.) also provide it. From the new chain, one of Belawhoever's Scepters can come with greater necro focus.

    After that, look to temporary boosts.

    +2 INT from ship
    +2 INT from house D collectible turn-in (really +1 to +3 short term)
    + INT from eating a full set of Abishai cookies
    + INT from Yugoloth favor potion
    + INT from DDO store

    The events had some great stuff for Pale Masters - the Mabar event's Epic Robe of Shadow being the big one. In addition, the Epic Sypglass from the pirate event could be made *** Exceptional INT +2, so if those come around again they might be places to look.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  4. #4
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    Greater Necro Focus can also be obtained through Cannith crafting. Divine level 57 I do believe.

  5. #5
    Community Member herzkos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    + INT from DDO store
    i agree with everything except what i left in. omgno.
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  6. #6
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by herzkos View Post
    i agree with everything except what i left in. omgno.
    You can disagree, but it's there. I never use them, but some people like using the store stuff.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  7. #7
    Community Member stille_nacht's Avatar
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    storestuff= eww

    try to find staff of the petitioner (accursed ascension raid), it gives +2 necro AND +2 ench, as well as spell pen VIII
    from the same raid, try to obtain litany of the dead (+1 profane bonus to all stats)

    get a ToD ring (preferably rahkir's or sanuras, maybe kormor's, they all give +1 exceptional int) and put +2 exceptional int (thats a total of +3)

    on 20th shroud, consider checking "base rewards on class" and hope for a +3 int tome, you can buy a +2 in the meantime.

    try to run eChronoscope raid for epic Robe of the Diabolist (+7 int enchantment, +3 conjuration DC). This may be more difficult, as in my experience, its gotten quite a bit less puggable for some reason
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  8. #8
    Community Member Niarda's Avatar
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    is there a reason why you have not TR`d
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  9. #9
    Community Member Seidah's Avatar
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    Well, I've considered my options, and given that I'm f2p, my options for the time being bring me up to DC 40. Will that be enough for epics?
    Panic at the gates between all that remains bleeding through the eyes of the dead from autumn to every time I lay dying in flames at the disco... stick.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Seidah View Post
    Well, I've considered my options, and given that I'm f2p, my options for the time being bring me up to DC 40. Will that be enough for epics?
    You wont be the kind of caster that folks like to come and complain about, but you will kill things from time to time and not feel like you are just wasting mana. When I'm lazy, I have around 38 on my pale master and he kills things in epic, and lands webs and holds with a lower DC than that. If you play with folks used to mid 40s DCs then they may find you wanting, but really you don't need the easy button to succeed in DDO.

    You might also try Yugoloth int pots for another +2 but you need to run most of the Shavarath quests on Elite for that. If you can find the groups its nice to get access to those potions.

    BTW: I often find being undead in Epics more a liability than benefit. Damage is so high the self healing can be very expensive if you don't utterly avoid agro. Its probably fine most of the time but I often forgo it to benefit from raid style mass heals. The downside is it further cuts your DC.

    I'd recommend you make a goal of running Tower of Destruction for the rings, you can get up to +3 exceptional int from them and its generally easier to collect what you need than doing shroud, especially if you ask folks for trophies they don't plan to use. Its a challenging raid but for a caster, especially a pale master its pretty easy though there are a few tricks to learn. Warning, Shavarath will make you feel kind of wimpy, but its good training for epics.
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  11. #11
    Community Member jillie's Avatar
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    A 40 Necro DC will work in most epics, though not eChrono, eDA, and probably not in eOOB. Those quests, at those levels, really need good enchantment DCs.

    Do get a ToD ring - I recommend Rakhir's, and get the belt too (the set adds a stacking 5% crit chance, and a stacking 0.5 to your base crit multiplier). It's the archmage set, and the ring comes with +6 int/+1 exc int, and you can slot +2 exc int, while the set adds a stacking 5% crit chance, and a stacking 0.5 to your base crit multiplier. This is much nicer than the pale master set.

    There are only three items in the game (that i know of) that offer +7 int - the Epic Staff of Arcane Power and the Epic Robe/Docent of the Diabolist.

    Other items that would be helpful in adding to Necro DC's have already been mentioned, that I can think of (Staff of the Petitioner (Abbot), Litany of the Dead (Abbot), Belawhatzitz Scepter (the new Delerium quest), Death's Touch (Mindsunder). The scepter does have some kind of nasty side effect if you don't get the Sustaining Symbiont trinket (The Sane Asylum), which nullifies it.
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  12. #12
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jillie View Post
    There are only three items in the game (that i know of) that offer +7 int - the Epic Staff of Arcane Power and the Epic Robe/Docent of the Diabolist.

    Epic Illusionists Robe from the Carnival. Super easy to get since it's not really that sought after and people will generally pass over seals/shards for it. And the scroll is pretty cheap.

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