So, I got a wizard. He's a Pale Master, and has long since been level 20. (way to long) Hes been level 20 for long enough to see a friend of mine TR once, and and once again reach level 20. My problem is, I can't meet any of the DC's for epics.
My wizard has a DC 37 Necromancy DC. (don't laugh too hard please DX) I struggled before with epics, managing to hold mass monster about 60% of the time (only DC 33 enchantment) because I wasn't allowed to use kill spells at that time because EVERYTHING was auto-buffed with deathward. When the semi-recent update to epics came along, I found myself unable to contribute anything at all. If I wasn't busy being owned by the spell resistance on the drow running around, everything else made my save. Basically, I think you can see my dilemma here.
So what I ask of all the readers is to assist me with my hideously low necro dc's. Here are my current specs:
Int 38
18 base
5 level
6 int item
4 enhancement (I'm human)
2 lich form
1 tome
2 capstone
Necromancy DC
10 base
9 max spell level
14 int
2 Greater spell focus (necromancy)
1 necromancy focus item (no idea where to find a +2 item)
1 lich form
So yeah... as you can see I'm quite a bit behind a lot of people. Frankly, In all the times I've run shroud/hox/vod/reavers I've never gotten my hands on a single +3 tome, or even a +2 for that matter. (hence why I'm still stuck on +1)
also, I have 13 completions (doesn't count all my farming runs) on shroud, and am working on an int item, but am having no luck gathering enough Large Ingredients to do so. I'm not oblivious to exceptional int.