Risia Raffle III-The Essentials-Hosted by Agrilus
Lets see how quick we can reach a drawing..
Deadline: Upon final entrant or by no later than approx 11 hours from time of post (2pm my time)
Contest Type: 20 ticket 'Unlimited Win' Raffle
Entry Fees: 5kpp per ticket or 10 Greater Essence (Any mix of types)
-5 tickets : Medium Eberron or Shroud Ingredient(Any) or Lightning-Split
-3 tickets : 25 Greater Essence (Any Mix) or Small Eberron
-2 tickets : Fragrant Drowshood
Note: Any bulk ticket trade in for tickets comes with 3 purple festival coins to try yer luck with the Frosty Cool One thats been so kind to me..
Prizes: 4 total
1-First Place: Icyburst Kit or 1000 motes
3-Second Place: Frost Kit or 300 motes or Eternal Festival Wand(5th) or Snow Gem
Rules: Pick yer lucky number(1-20)..unless its gone..then pick one that ain't..one pick per ticket
When all 20 tickets are gone..the call be made fer the Drawing Party* (Held in the Wayward Lobster in Harbor)
Four rolls will then be made by host (d20) ..
Ticket holder with number matching die roll wins 1 pick of that category of prizes, with first roll being First Place pick..
One ticket may win all 4 picks..rerolls only by demand of winning ticket holder ( The coolest of the Cool and Cold )
Please have yer prize picks in mind prior to Entering as I will want them by mail..so that prize awards can be handled smoothly![]()
*Drawing Party*
All participants are encouraged to attend..but need not be present at Drawing Party to win..
When all ticket holders have been given a chance to join party(by way of tell) or party fills..Drawing will begin.
An invite to the public may be issued to LFM if party size > 6 --Max Attendants:11+Host
*Ticket GiveAway*
Whenever I post "Risia Raffle III-Ticket Giveaway-" in Khyber chat..be the third person to send me the tell "Raffle Me" and you win a free entry to this raffle.
One try per Person per Giveaway.Ticket Giveaway may be canceled prior to winner due to buyout.
Why am I doing it Again?..Its the same reason I'm jumping in the harbor..I'm having fun
Last one this Festival..So get in while the getting is good!!
Check in here for updates and ticket availability..or send me a tell on Khyber!!
Ticket window open for next 60 mins from time of post--then closed for 4-5 hrs
Good Luck and have fun at the Ice Festival while it lasts!!