I'd prefer they just make the runes BtA.
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
Ah yes! I was surprised when I couldn't transfer a bag to the shared bank due to them still being BtC.
You've got pieces from the Mindsunder serious BtA why not these.
But same could be said for Vale BtC cake pieces. Which I don't understand why. You can make a GS on any toon and transfer it, you can freely transfer materials needed. Why keep the cakes BtC?
Only one of them gives the Superior Glaciation VIII [which is permanent 50%, not situational 75%], the rest can do other things. Which enhance the set as a whole and can only be gained from creating those enhanced items.
Though the risian games allow for a VIII item already.
RUNES its 99% easier than it was now you just want buy them.
as to the Vale pie statment its part of the flagging mechanic, and no big deal really.
/not signed. no named loot, shards, seals, etc. in the ddo store. not ever.
Leader of The Kargatane; Orien.
All Hail Azalin Rex, Lord of Darkon
please can i haz the shinez?pleazzzee..gimmie gimmie..
A big ole /not signed
run the quest again
Bluntt,Proud Officer of the Truth Seekers
Adapt or Die,or be a ddo'er and /whine
Blunttphorse,Madkill,Mait Manic,Ewak,Holmez,Rollin,Axeme Acers
Hell no and NO again
There are far too many easy buttons in this game as it is. And buying loot from the store, that's a game-killer right there itself.
There is writing on the wall written long before anybody learned to read. It is not a story, it is not a paragraph, and it is not a line. It is a small little autograph - the signature of death.
nty. We're already on the slope and sliding; no need to grease the sucker further.