I was planning on changing a few things on my archmage wizard to up my Necro DC and get it close to my Enchantment DC.
Right now I can get a 39 Enchanment DC. I want to get my Necro up to 38. I can do this by swapping out the feats Extend and Greater Spell Penetration for Spell Focus Necro and Greater Spell Focus Necro. Also I can take my Archmage Secondary Spell Mastery Enhancement. And then farm a Staff of the Petitioner.
The only thing I am not sure about is losing the Greater Spell Penetration Feat.
So I have 3 questions.
1. How important will that extra +2 to Spell Penetration be at 'end game'?
2. Is anyone doing this now and want to share how it is working?
3. What is better to have a end game, a higher Necro DC or a higher Enchantment DC?
And no, I have no interest in going Pale Master, so if you can answer form an Archmage viewpoint that would be fantastic!
Thanks in advance.