Well done.
Congratulations - a formidable achievement, like running a marathon or swimming the Channel.![]()
<|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.
May be I am late,
Many Many Congrats!
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Community Member
Community Member
Wow. Grats
Nice work man! That is one sick achievement.
Born to play, Forced to work !
Very nice.
Can I ask how you go with general questing on a dump cha sorc? Eg resisted sla's and chain lightning.
Just curious, how'd the end fight go? How did you overcome the Abishai's regen?
Solo: Eadq1, Eadq2, EDA, EChains, EVOD. 2 man EShroud, 4 man ETOD, World First ELOB
Opposite element damage appears to stop the regeneration for a period of time, so using the 3 different dots cold, lightning and burning blood (fire and acid) I was able to alternate them to prevent the regeneration when required.
This could have been done without the dot spells it just would have been more SP intensive and potentially taken longer.
Biggest thing that slowed it down was whenever the boss switched into lightning element and got healed by the 3 stack of lightning I kept up, healed him about 5% of his hp before the dot fell off.
The fight itself was relatively easy other than just plain lengthy, as long as you stay out of range of the aoe lightning stun and move out of the flame breath there isn't really much he can do to kill you. Minor damage from meteor swarm was easily healed through.
If anything I think Blood Plate and Razor Arm were much much harder than the last boss as it was a lot easier to get killed.
If you mean level 20 questing then most mobs are so easy to kill even if they resist half the damage its still a one or two shot.
If you mean epic questing in a group, then I generally use spells that do not require saves, ice storms, polar ray and dots.
And if you meant leveling with this build then as far as I saw mobs don't have a save against a firewall >.>
http://my.ddo.com/character/orien/erethe/ looks similar to http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/dispel/
I used to be able to hit over 700 HP myself, before I started knocking feats for PvP. I now have 2 Toughness.
If I were to take a guess, I'd say you have exactly 5 Toughness. If I ever get the pots I'll challenge your record. :P
On Sarlona I tank eChrono, on Orien you solo'd it. We're proof that you don't need DCs to be good in Epic quests.
Congratulations by the way, very nice!
Top notch +1 to you sir
aLiclan - Thelanis - Crony - Gimptalot - Shaista - Sonofhunta