EDIT: I think I may start a new post listing what raids we have done, how many time and what raid next (More to help keep track of what number we have got to for the 20th). Also what raid next?
We got her on the 3rd try (We did do about 10 - 15 test runs first to get the hang of it).
I (Nyugg) was on my favored soul (Level 13) and Limescale was on his Ranger (Level 18), we tried using the normal methods but seems to always fail. So we made a new plan and had Lime Killing Trash while I used Divine Punishment on the DQ until she was at 10% mark. At that point I shield block While lime Shot her with arrows, all went well but I went down just at the last second before she dropped (Got hit with to many arrows).
I didn't use any pots or heal scrolls and had no special gear, the best I had on was my Blademark docent (Switched to gorgon docent at 30%) and bloodrage symbiont for DR also using the redfens sets.
Thinking of trying reavers fate next.