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a few reasons:
1. There is no reason why you need to access my ship for any reason, other than convenience buffs/altars. If you need those buffs in order to succeed, you should find one of those large guilds that auto-accept applications. I've played a few permadeath characters that do not allow ship buffs / twinking and to be honest, the game is still pretty easy.
Its not that people need the ship buffs, its a nice boost to any player tho. Ship buffs are an INSANE boost at low levels and should be taken advantage of
2. Honoring 'ship invite pl0x' tends to slow the party down. a lot. close friends I've never had a problem inviting because they tend to use it to grab the exp shrine then port to the quest faster. other people will wander around the ship for 5-10 minutes, beat the dummy down, use the auctioneer, do some banking, next thing you know we are moving on to another quest.
Possibly I am bias because of the way I run quests, I'll take a few people and short man baisicly anything at low levels, so you get a few people wandering around your guild ship, most people will grab buffs, port and get to the quest quicker than running from where ever they are.
3. I've personally witnessed a few minor 'griefings' in which people will run in and steal the training dummy after a lowbie has beat on it for several minutes, then walk away without helping him to beat it down again. Typically we have enough members online that a high lvl toon will prep it for people when they need to, but that doesnt stop this from happening still.
Valid reason, but I still counter that most people have some common decency, imo you should base your guild policies on a few people.
4. ship capacity. My guild has over 70 active individual members, and up to 30-40 people online at a time. now what happens when 10 of them are on lowbies and invite there group to the ship? it quickly becomes full and no one who actually belongs to the guild can get on until someone leaves.
10 people on lobies + 20 or so people in their groups, im my experience any1 from a high level guild leveling a lowbie with any experience only has an additonal 1-2 people in their group. Even then, the people in those groups arent all going on the ship at once, the instance you sugest is 10 ppl all logging at the same time to their lowbie, getting in seperate groups, and all inviting people in their party to the airship at the same time, highly unlikley.
I have NEVER experienced a 'ship full' bug at all... ever. I dont see it being a problem.
Most people spend 2-3mins on a ship then about an hour questing before they go back, in that hour 70 people, times 3mins for each person for an hour = 1,400 people could use your ship during that time. even randomly inviting people to your ship would you have an issue hitting that number.
I never said I was refusing them my ship buffs. I just said I was refusing access to my guild's ship.
I fail to see a difference.