I am someone who went VIP after a couple of months and was the first to go VIP with group of old high school buddies that had been playing together. Well after making some store purchases to augment my account I decided to take the plunge and purchase favored soul. Now I have tried a number of builds and some different race combinations and just have not found a favored soul that I like. I am pretty frustrated having bought the class and just not coming up with a decent toon. So please give me any ideas on the favored soul. I am looking for build ideas, general info on the fvs that might help me out. Just an example what does a fvs bring to the table? What level doea a fvs "turn the corner" and become a very strong toon? and things such as that... Thanks ahead of time. Also as an aside I have a sorcerer that I love to play and to me these two classes should have a similar feel to them but do not seem to.