I can see why items like the vendor trash that falls out of broken boxes and crates is ninja lootable - it's not worth much to start with and the effort to get such items is practically nil (just zerg by swinging a sword).

On the other hand....

Let's take a look at Soul Gems. To get these ninja lootable items, you either spend a lot of time (and resources!) in the Shroud crafting a top tier item capable of Trap the Soul OR you spend a lot of time and effort leveling a caster to the point where they can use the Trap the Soul spell (not including the time and expense of making the Dragonshard spell component required for EACH casting).

So how is it that after all that work and expense to have the ability to get Soul Gems I have absolutely no right to keep my hard earned work? These stupid things fall on the ground and unless I abandon all other efforts (or commit to solo farming in this group based game) during combat to pick the **** things up immediately - and sometimes that isn't even fast enough - I end up losing a good number of them to yahoos that feel that they have equal rights to them?

Heck even with crate trash there is a little honor among thieves, most people will let the breaker take what falls out....

So how is it that something I have put a great deal of effort into obtaining doesn't drop into my inventory automatically? I worked very hard to get it - why is it stealable!?!?!