Ok, so i made a deal with my fiance that i would take a break from the game till the 10th, but got that dropped till the 2nd XD but now we're moving into our new apartment on the 2nd so i won't get much time o but meh w/e lol

I decided i would spend some time with the guys before i moved coz i won't be hagin out wif em all as much (They're WAAAAAAY too lazy to get a bus LOL) and.... i decided to learn how to Skateboard?!?

Im 21 years old, yeh i know it shudn't be hard im still young lol but i have a bum knee and my left leg shakes when i get on he board :S but it's been 2 days now, i got on the board, i can skate around i went down a hill XD and fell..... got back up again lit up puffed away went again FELL.... and the cycle kept going LOL

We've been going down the local skate park and hanging out (Usually i wait till its late and the kids are gone so i dont crush'em hehe we call em pebbles coz its like cycling on cobbles when you roll over them.....maybe call em cobbles huh?) on the ramps and my mate who CAN skate very well goes and does his thing with the guys that practically live down there XD

Anyhusen.... what i REALLY want to know, is how the jeebus do you go up a qaurter-pipe.....and TURN???? I can go down ramps, up ramps, fall off ramps, SPINE transfer (Yes after 2 days XD) but i attempted to turn on the pipe and OMG it was like being introduced to concrete for 10 minutes...."Hi, how are you?","Not too bad you?","Ah well, you know how it is, just layin around takin in some rays..." My face, felt like it had been hit with a bag of rusty (Being rusty makes NO differance what so ever but w/e) wrenches, over and over, slammed into the grill off a truck (Doubtfully but WOW that'd be funny XD) and fryed till crispy on the metal ramps XD

It's waaay too tricky i just cannot seem to remain on the board :'(

Any tips?? LOL and YES i've tried youtube and tried asking my friend but at this stage the sunbathers had come down and practically gotten topless so he was gone from us LOL