Is it ok to trim the armpit hair that sticks out of the armpit while your ARM is down?
Is it ok to trim the armpit hair that sticks out of the armpit while your ARM is down?
Yes, I recommend using +5 Holy Silver Scissors of Follicle Bane.
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So you're saying it is not OK for women to trim the armpit hair that sticks out of the armpit while their arm is down?
Or is that a given?
lol... I never really paid attention to it. It's one of those things that's just part of being a guy.
I'd say if you're worried about it, then go for it. Bodybuilders sometimes routinely shave almost all (if not all!) of their bodies, so it's not unheard of for a man to micromanage his follicles.
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Originally Posted by Chilldude
10 inches.
Oh, it's not that kind of question.
Yes. I believe too short / to little armpit hair is something that women will give you mental negative marks for.
On the other hand, It's ultra-alpha-male-whale-manly if you braid them. Vikings' war chieftains did that - honestly.
i think this should only be a question if you're trying to trim someone else's arm hair.
dude, it's your hair, do what you want.
trim it all if you want to!
i retract my advice.
pit braids FTW!
I know these guys wouldn´t ...but they are dwarves
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