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  1. #1
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Default Summoning Bezrikira in HOX

    Is this true that they can Damage the Big Dog?
    I saw this for the first time in a complete pug today on hard, and as far as I could tell the raid took the same time it always does, if not a bit longer. . .8 Mins on Hard. I was outside healing/killing so could not see any details about the summons.

    If it is working, is this is somewhat new ? As we tried everything in the book when this raid first came out, tho admittedly I dont try new things after each game patch.

    So, urban legend ? WAI? Getting Nerfed soon?

    Someone in a user channel mentioned that Wolf Whistle works. . .
    Last edited by moops; 07-26-2011 at 12:59 AM.
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by moops View Post
    [...]If it is working, is this is somewhat new ? As we tried everything in the book when this raid first came out, tho admittedly I dont try new things after each game patch[...]
    Cannot confirm if they do damage or not, but I can tell you it is not new, people have been using those for a while.

  3. #3
    Community Member efreet5's Avatar
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    I do remember at one point that summoning creatures in HoX became a fad on Ghallanda under the assumption that they were actually doing damage to Xyzzy, however, no conclusive data was ever presented to support this hypothesis and I haven't seen it since. You're more than welcome to conduct tests, which shouldn't be difficult seeing as how you need only get a group into HoX, kill every small dog, and get a bezekira/summon to take aggro of Xyzzy, but I would go so far as to assume that your endeavors will prove fruitless and result in you returning to the relatively common and socially agreed upon "best method" immediately thereafter. Good luck!
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  4. #4
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    Cannot confirm if they do damage or not, but I can tell you it is not new, people have been using those for a while.
    I actively HOX across 7 alts and try to keep them on timer, prob the only one in my guild whom does this because I have gotten many +3 tomes on 20ths. . .And no one has even mentioned it. . .Last summons thing I recall was maybe a couple years ago when people were convinced that the Hezrou worked, and they were the craze for a month and then people stopped using them.

    And yes, some friends and I are going to try and test this, because we like torture
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  5. #5
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    now i have seen the epic wolf whistle meathod work

    first time we tried it, we had too of them, they took xyzzy down about the same ammount of time as the lil dogs did

    we tried it again, and compleate chaos. the hounds seemed to spend most of their time trying to pk xyzzy and we wiped


  6. #6
    Hero RandomKeypress's Avatar
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    Does anyone know if the hounds summoned from the cookie work on Zyggy? How about the non-epic wolfwhistle?

  7. #7
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    I've heard it before, had people ask me to summon one, but never seen definite proof that they work. I also prefer to leave as much little bits of randomness out of that raid as possible, so I wouldn't want to summon anything to disrupt aggro.

  8. #8
    Founder Cashiry's Avatar
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    When the raid first came out they did damage the HoX, however that has since been fixed and they dont help now...
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  9. #9
    Community Member Dispel's Avatar
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    It is true. I've done HoX on Normal and we didn't bother with the stones. We killed the dogs, everyone remained in the middle, and we all summoned Bezekira. They killed the dogs just fine, no beholders uncharming the mutts, and we killed anything that inched it's way in.

  10. #10
    Community Member ballsz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cashiry View Post
    When the raid first came out they did damage the HoX, however that has since been fixed and they dont help now...
    Not sure how long ago you are going by, but with in the last couple of months (2-3) I can say for sure that they did still damage the main hound. Dogs got killed and she was so close we summoned a bunch of bezikira and they were able to drop her down to the point we could finish her off.
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  11. #11
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Maybe a Dev will tell is if this is WAI.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moops View Post
    Maybe a Dev will tell is if this is WAI.
    That's so cute... You're totally not showing your join date.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    I remembering hearing this since the raid came out, I'm not convinced it's true though.

    If people are saying they KILLED her just with summons... well I'd love to see a SS

    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    That's so cute... You're totally not showing your join date.

  14. #14
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    don't forget about the hidden chest in part 3 of the shroud. You must have all party members on the yellow rune circles, at least one one each one, and no member can be not on a rune.

    stay for one minute and it appears...awesome chest too
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  15. #15
    Community Member Seamonkeysix's Avatar
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    Guards work on Xyzzy. It is possible that other untyped damage from certain summons could work....but....

    The biggest problem is that when the dogs break, half the time the summons attack the little doggies. Not good.
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  16. #16
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    We will use them if all puppies die, or if shes close and all puppies are charmed. It does work, and if all puppies die(gasp) the Bezikiras will keep her agrro in the center.
    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
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  17. #17
    Community Member Dispel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seamonkeysix View Post
    Guards work on Xyzzy.
    So unless you spam heals going on Intervention sitting in a Solid Fog, charm the dogs..

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