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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Greensteel weapons choice

    Hey guys, been doing a lot of epics as a healer mostly and find i have a bit of time to melee and can actually hit stuff pretty well. So my goal is to make a couple of greensteel scimitars for epic trash beating. Also for solo'ing and so on.

    For most raid encounters I usually just focus on healing since I'm not quite good enough yet to do both without greatly increasing the chance of losing someone due to delayed heal.

    I haven't made any greensteel yet and really would like some imputs before I go forward with it. I see two popular choices being lit II and min II. However I was looking at the greensteel crafter and notice a ton of other things that looks great though I am unsure if they are worth the investment.

    As of right now im running all the twf feats and improved crit slashing.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    What race and faith are you? That will have a significant impact.

    And what (if any) melee feats do you ahve?
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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  3. #3
    Community Member Meetch1972's Avatar
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    There's been 3 main ones...

    lit II because it occasionally does 600 electrical damage (great for things that aren't immune to it) and is otherwise good DPS too with the holy/elec damage it outputs.

    min II because it is the universal DR breaker for raid bosses. (Any exceptions to that rule? I'm not sure)

    radiance II also, especially if you need a flanking bonus or want to get sneak attack damage on aggroed non-immune mobs when you blind them with it - a high crit range really helps here, so scimi would work well with that I guess (as does a rapier).

    Remember that the above all use 2 Superior shards and require more large ingredients to craft, and as such do tend to pack more value in the single item.

    Most of the other bonuses (non-damage related) are stuck on non-weapon GS gear, or obtained from other named items, which I believe is why you don't see many variations. You really need to plan the gear layout when you do that other stuff, as you may find yourself with the +6 con belt that suits your build well and ... a GS HP belt that you stick in the bank for another lifetime.
    Goe ahed... korekt mah spelin'.

  4. #4
    Community Member Meetch1972's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    What race and faith are you? That will have a significant impact.

    And what (if any) melee feats do you ahve?
    Umm ^this^. Plus there's questions like what gear do you already have and how hard are you willing/able to grind to get other stuff to fill in the gaps in your kit. Some of my GS items were to fill specific gaps in what I already had, but I failed to account for future acquisitions... one of them will for the most part await the possibility of greensteel deconstruction.
    Goe ahed... korekt mah spelin'.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    For Scimitars, I'd consider one Radiance 2 scimitar, and two Epic Kron'zek's Cruelty (which is bad now but is getting buffed to be Lit 2 quality in update 11; it's gaining Lightning Strike - 2% chance to proc 600 electric damage, and also Improved Destruction).

    Radiance 2 is situationally incredible. You could consider either a DPS oriented one (Holy, Flaming Burst, Flaming Blast) or a defensively oriented one (Holy, Fire Absorb 15, Fire Absorb 20). The former is better in Into the Deep, the latter in eChrono.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Aight never considered radiance =D

    As for what feats, i am an elf, undying court, TWF, iTWF, gTWF, improved crit: slashing.

    Most of its use will be for beating on trash in epics and while I solo mess around in quests. I only have 430 hp atm so I hang back more when **** gets thick, raids I just hang back and heal, sometimes divine punishment depending on the group.

    Starting to look into named scimitars. I was using a loot list that was a bit outta date before and didn't realize there were a few other options out there.

    Ran big top a buncha times, got chest to pop 5 * times and no sword. =P

    :: Just to expand a bit more, I am not melee focus'd. I kinda do it all a bit, I dumped all my level up points into wisdom for better DC's. So while I can hit things in melee, melee is more of an after thought though I would like to optimize it as much as I can.
    Last edited by johnny8490; 07-26-2011 at 03:56 PM.

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