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  1. #1
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Default So What's Up with the Guild Augments and crafting levels?

    Actually I don't know if this is because of the guild augment or not but...

    I had crafted (pre 10.1) blindness ward goggles of attack +4. They have a large guild augment slot.
    The level was +5 (I thought it was higher, but it said +5 post 10.1 so guess I was wrong)
    I could slot an augment.

    Post 10.1 The level changed to +6, and it wouldn't let me slot a guild augment anymore.
    I received an error message saying

    (Standard): This recipe cannot be performed because the resulting item would surpass its current Maximum Enchantment Level.

    Craft and use a Shard of Potential to increase the Max Enchantment Level first.
    Crafting was shut down, so I couldn't try and fix it.

    Tonight, went to add a +6 potential shard to the goggles, got an error message saying
    (Standard): This recipe cannot be performed because the resulting item would surpass its current Maximum Enchantment Level.

    Craft and use a Shard of Potential to increase the Max Enchantment Level first.
    Figured they changed something so I couldn't add potential +6 on a potential +5 item with stuff already crafted on it, so grumbled to myself and went to disjunct the goggles, received a message saying (you guessed it)
    (Standard): This recipe cannot be performed because the resulting item would surpass its current Maximum Enchantment Level.

    Craft and use a Shard of Potential to increase the Max Enchantment Level first.
    So I can't use the augment, I can't upgrade them,and I can't disjunct them.
    This seems like it is not WAI.

    Bug report filed, but anyone else see anything like this?

  2. #2
    Community Member Vengeance777's Avatar
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    Seen it as well. It showed up right after the first crafting patch a while back. Bug reported it way back then. So far the items are still unusable. Can't disjunct them, add a guild augment, adamantine them, or force ritual them. It always give the message " (Standard): This recipe cannot be performed because the resulting item would surpass its current Maximum Enchantment Level.

    Craft and use a Shard of Potential to increase the Max Enchantment Level first."

    The items just broke. Doesn't even matter if you had +13 potential on a blank item it won't let you craft or add guild augment crystals to it if it was made before the patch.
    Server: Orien
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  3. #3
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vengeance777 View Post
    Seen it as well. It showed up right after the first crafting patch a while back. Bug reported it way back then. So far the items are still unusable. Can't disjunct them, add a guild augment, adamantine them, or force ritual them. It always give the message " (Standard): This recipe cannot be performed because the resulting item would surpass its current Maximum Enchantment Level.

    Craft and use a Shard of Potential to increase the Max Enchantment Level first."

    The items just broke. Doesn't even matter if you had +13 potential on a blank item it won't let you craft or add guild augment crystals to it if it was made before the patch.
    So it is all about the guild augments then.

    Time for me to start whining until a dev acknowledges that this is by far the biggest priority to fix ASAP.

    Thanks for the info!

  4. #4
    Community Member TempestAlphaOmega's Avatar
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    Default Actually

    This was brought up in another thread last week or so. A Dev did comment on it in the thread, he said to please bug report it.

    Of course it's not game braking so I wouldn't expect a quick fix.

    I find it particularly anoying as I spent a fair amount of time hunting down items with guild slots on them to use in crafting.

    Oh well more stuff to take up bank space while I wait for it to be fixed.
    Shapshap, League of Extraordinary Ham, Sarlona and a bunch of alts that all have names begining with Sha or Sho. Of course Shapshap could be the alt and one of the others the main, it just depends on what day it is.

  5. #5
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TempestAlphaOmega View Post
    This was brought up in another thread last week or so. A Dev did comment on it in the thread, he said to please bug report it.

    Of course it's not game braking so I wouldn't expect a quick fix.

    I find it particularly anoying as I spent a fair amount of time hunting down items with guild slots on them to use in crafting.

    Oh well more stuff to take up bank space while I wait for it to be fixed.
    Yeah that's the problem.
    I have a few other pairs if goggles with Large Guild Augment slots on them.
    So I have to decide to hold off or just craft another pair, but then I have two sets of LGA goggles on one toon.

    Actually that's not the problem.
    The problem is I'm stupid enough to do it.

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