Maybe this is posted, but my searches have resulted in nothing thus far.
The search engines on the crafting devices won't spit back a list of shards that can be applied to, say, trinkets. Or rings. Or <fill in the blank>. I would like to know what the shard can be put on before I go out and craft it.
The shards also have no indicator in the crafting lists, or on the mouseover of the completed item, of what they can be applied to, before dumping it into the crafting machine.
For example, I have a set of goggles with a large augment slot, but cannot plan for the item on my TR since the shards have no organization by item. I'm not going to trial and error every useful looking shard, that is both impractical and expensive.
If some enterprising individual has compiled such a list, organizing shards by the item type on which they can be placed, please post it here.