Planning to LR my HElf lvl 20 light with rogue dilly - to fix skills, feats, tweak abilities...
Goal is to be able to run elite traps with better saves... Don't know about epic traps but I'd want to be able to run these also.
I'm considering a different Shintao prereq feat. Currently I have diehard. Figures when I take a feat I've never taken before I never use itAnd when I never had it, I found myself in situations I could've used it. So, I plan on wishing I had it again.
So, swapping it out, Martens takes luck of hero's, I've seen cleave, but I'm looking at resilience.
+15 situationally to my trap saves = +4 Trap sense II, +4 Water III, +4 Resilience, +3 Vers II.
Now, add that to a +16 base reflex save isn't too shabby! +3 would be situational use of course, and I'd turn on power attack and switch to sun/mountain IV before getting into a fight.
Since I usually run with a 30+ reflex save outside of water stance, I figure my about:
42 trap save = 30 buffed +4 (TS) +4 (stance) +4 (resilience)
45 burst trap save (+3 with vers II)
Anyone out there with good experiences with traps and this level of saves?
How would I fare with epic traps?