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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Helf Angel: Monk Style

    Hi Dark-Star, promoting your build name cause this is modeled similar to your Angel.

    Usual disclaimer, haven't read through the massive volume of posts so my apologies and acknowledgements if this has been done before (most likely has). Had some interest in this build so I thought I'd share it. I like versatility in my characters so I present to you a high damage melee character that can range and heal.

    The following is a TR build using Monk as the original class instead of paladin. Only need one +2 tome to make this build work.

    Starting stats (34 points)
    Str: 16
    Dex:17 (need a +2 tome by lvl 19 for IPS)
    Int: 8
    Cha: 8

    12 Monk (Dark), 6 Ranger, 2 Fighter
    Race Half Elf (Cleric Dil)
    Past Life Monk

    1. Ranger
    Point Blank Shot (Ranger: Bow str)

    2. Ranger
    (Ranger: Rapid Shot, Two Weapon Focus)

    3. Monk
    Weapon Focus Range (Monk: Toughness)

    4. Ranger

    5. Ranger

    6. Ranger
    Past Life Feat: Monk

    7. Ranger
    (Ranger: Multishot, Imp. Two Weapon Focus)

    8. Monk
    (Monk: Power Attack)

    9. Monk
    Mental Toughness (Monk: Dark Path)

    10. Monk

    11. Monk

    12. Monk
    Improved Critical - Blunt (Monk: Dodge)

    13. Monk

    14. Monk

    15. Monk
    Greater Two Weapon Focus

    16. Monk

    17. Monk

    18 Monk
    Precise Shot

    19. Fighter
    (fighter: Improved Precise Shot)

    20. Fighter
    (Fighter: Improved Critical: Ranged)

    Hit Points
    20 base
    96 Monk
    48 Ranger
    20 fighter
    22 Toughness
    10 Fighter Toughness Enh
    30 Helf Toughness enh
    120 CON (14 base +2 +6 item)
    20 Rage - spell
    20 Minos
    30 GFL
    45 Shroud
    10 Draconic

    511 Total Not including Exceptional Con, +3/+4 tomes, Earth Stance 3, Way of the tortoise 3 (+15hp) or Helf Adaptability.

    What this means.

    At lvl 12, a monk with past life monk feat and the Jidz-Tet'ka bracers can have 2d10 fist damage (normally only get this as a lvl 20 Monk) and a base +1 damage increase. Ninja Spy for 3d6 sneak attack and Touch of Death adds to the dps. Lvl 12 qualifies for Earth 3 which not only bumps your hit points but the crit magnitude of your wraps to x3 for natural rolls of 19 and 20. Combine this with the attack speed for handwraps, Oremi's TOD set and TOD rings for extra dps goodness melee style.

    Also by level 12, you'll have...
    Abundant Step
    Immunity to Poison and Disease
    Improved Evasion
    +40 move speed
    Bonuses to ac
    Tier 3 strike attacks
    Shadow Fade, Walk on Water, Short Sword improved stats
    And other monk goodness

    Full Arcane Archer
    Cleric Dil for Heal and raise dead scrolls.
    Human Versatility
    Improved Recovery (expensive though)

    Adds 2 fav enemies (+2 dam),
    Spells: Rams Might (+3 dam) and Jump (+20).

    Zen Archery: Minor PITA having to re-engage your stances when moving from archery to melee and you will lose the Tier 3 stats without it. Doesn't bother me but some may like it.
    Stunning Fist: Could drop Strength down one or two points and increase wisdom as it is already relatively high and can be improved further with Helf and monk enhancements. I didn't build this with crowd control in mind however but it is achievable.
    Rogue Dil. Not into healing? Drop Wisdom back to 8 and put the 5 points into anywhere and gain another 3d6 sneak attack damage (yes stacks with Dark Monk). May be the preferable option for 28-32 point builds.

    So, comparable DPS output to Dark's original Angel build but with the monk flare attached. Hope you like it.

    EDIT: Can also achieve DC40 Stunning Fist. This is a beast of a toon to play. Strongly recommend it.
    Last edited by Hurak; 09-18-2011 at 02:29 AM.

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