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  1. #1
    Community Member Nephilia's Avatar
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    Default Really dunno anything about monk... help me please!

    Hi all
    I was wondering how good should be to have a monk (and have a toon who can get full advantage of my brawling gloves)!!!
    But I'm simply unable to write a build for it... I dunno a **** nothing about monk XD

    Can someone point me in the right way?
    I mean : race, enhancement, stats, feats, skill etc...
    I just want to have a toon who's good on end-game content and to have fun to!
    I read a lot of build but I'm a little bit confused so.. help me out please

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I'm in the same boat on this one. I would love to play a monk but I am utterly confused on which choices to make concerning almost every aspect of the class. I am interested to see what others have to offer to this thread. I know there are some real veteran monks lurking about.

  3. #3
    Community Member whitehawk74's Avatar
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    Add me to the list of being completely bewildered by the Monk class.
    I dont want to make a build that I will regret and at the same time I dont want to take a prebuilt path.
    I would like to know just how much WISDOM is enough, I would set CON to 16, and spend the rest on STR and DEX.

    Do I need to take Weapon Finesse for a dex based build? What about 2 Weapon Fighting for Wraps?
    These are the things I really need to know.
    My demands are simple. Ducks, penguins and tortoises as pets. I'll buy hats and bow-ties for them all.

  4. #4
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    Race: Prety much every none elf work well (humans - extra healing amp, +stats of your choisel, extra skills, and feat; halfling - good as F2P dex/wis monks (guile increase dmg); dwarf - solid hardly meet monk +DC on stuns, Cha as dump stat and increased survivality due thigh con; WF - similar do dwarf but power attack enchantmens; H-elves ok here is nice similar to human but have Dillies (Rouge - for big DPS boost; Cleric for healing/raising via scrolls) they overshadow halflings)

    Enchancments: look for some builds but generaly as animal path you should avoid tentancious badger and crane.
    As long as you don't multiclassing then take prestiges (they are nice) - multiclass Light monk (general phonix type builds) you don't need Shintao. You would also would like to avoid Void line (it is realy expensive line, and final attack is 5% for ista kill any none red/purpure enemy -> well it works similar to quilvering palm (have save so can trigger sometimes with higher chance, but work only on living targets (not constructs or undead)) that you will get for free.

    Feats: all feats that are needed for PrE. Important feat is Stunning Fist. And 2 Weapon fighting line (so min 17 Dex with tomes). and ofc usual feat sellection Toughtness and Power attack (minimum 13 Str). If you are Dex based then weapon finese is important.

    Stats: generally high Str (rest + tome), high Dex (15 and +2 or even +3 tome (you must get 18 if you want air stance IV -> highest dps stance i think)), high Con (14 + tome / 16 if you want to get mountain IV), high Wis (14 + tome (water stance is funny - quite usless unless you want to go thorught some traps or boost your stunning DC)) -> you realy would love to eat some tomes. Oh and you can consider to put some into Charisma if you going Light monk (as long range stun Kukan-do is Cha based but you probably would pass only with +2 tome and 6 item)).

    Keep in mind that monks are very equipment dependant, and there is not easy/cheap to find some handwarps (like DR beater or energy stunners +10). and some most important DPS stuff you gona make way after you reach lv 20 (ToD rings).

  5. #5
    Community Member Nephilia's Avatar
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    I would like to be human (I love human so much ^_^) and I would be a dark monk dps
    Don't care about AC (I've an AC-tank and it's enough to me :P) but just I would like to have a toon with have fun and be effective on end game

    Can u give me a nice build in this direction?
    Even a nice gear would help a lot (feel free to use +2 tomes and epic stuffs in case )

  6. #6
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    I would suggest you take a look at my monk build in my previous life. 34 pt human dark str based monk. It can be done with 32 pt, easily. I disagree with crane line and void line not being useful. But YMMV.

  7. #7
    Community Member Arel's Avatar
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    If you want to go Dark monk, it's critical that you be willing to farm/craft for DR breaking handwraps for end-game: Silver and Metalline are notoriously rare on handwraps: The former can only be found in Normal/Hard Devil Assault, and the latter is rare even w/o Pure Good. There is one set of named wraps that break end-game DR, and it's a rare BtC drop from the bonus chest in Shadow Crypt.

    Being able to craft metalline shards makes things a lot easier, to a degree, but crafted handwraps are having a lot of problems recently, so be aware of that too.

    All that being said, I would personally suggest a Wis/Dex Light Monk to start with. The Shintao PrC gives your fists additional metal types above what you would normally have, allowing you to be useful in endgame while you're trying to find boss beaters and some of the named loot from Shavarath/ToD (One of the light monk finishers apparently makes the end fight a bit easier so they're pretty popular, I've never been so I couldn't say so myself). Then, once you've gotten most/all the good stuff, you can TR and go Dark. This is doubly good, because a Monk -> Monk TR is perhaps one of the best TR's in the game due to the active feat which increases your fists' damage die by one step.

  8. #8
    Community Member Rusty_Can's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitehawk74 View Post
    I would like to know just how much WISDOM is enough, I would set CON to 16, and spend the rest on STR and DEX.
    WIS: I started my 32 pts monk with 14 WIS; 14 base + 3 class enhancement + 1 Human Adaptability + 2 tome + 6 item + 2 exceptional WIS = 28 WIS; technically, it can go higher with ship buffs, profane bonuses, +7 item, etc. Anyway, in my experience, with 30ish WIS, you won't have many issues landing your "monk stuff".

    CON: you are a melee character, thus 14-16 is advisable.

    DEX: at least 17 (base + tomes) in order to get the full TWF line.

    STR: even if you go Finesse, don't dump it ....

    INT: if you go the AC route, 13 INT is required for Combat Expertise.

    CHA: there are a few oddballs that use CHA instead of WIS, but it can be safely dumped.

    Keep also in mind that 16 (base + tomes) <STR | DEX | CON | WIS> is required for Tier III stances and 18 for Tier IV.

    Quote Originally Posted by whitehawk74 View Post
    Do I need to take Weapon Finesse for a dex based build? What about 2 Weapon Fighting for Wraps?
    If you go DEX-based, yes, take Weapon Finesse; anyway, don't dump STR ....

    Unarmed Combat benefits from TWF feats, thus, yes, absolutely, take them all.
    On Thelanis: Hallelujah (EK wraith) - Jerryrigged Juggernaut (Fiend Warlock) - Sepulchral (Druid) - Chopchopchop (Monk) - Alleyshadow (retired gimped monkcher). Formerly on Keeper : Misericordia (Thug) - Mumbo Jumbo (Battle Caster) - Infernal Can (WF Kinda Cleric) - Halleluyah (Melee Spellsinger).

  9. #9
    Community Member blkcat1028's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arel View Post
    All that being said, I would personally suggest a Wis/Dex Light Monk to start with. The Shintao PrC gives your fists additional metal types above what you would normally have, allowing you to be useful in endgame while you're trying to find boss beaters and some of the named loot from Shavarath/ToD (One of the light monk finishers apparently makes the end fight a bit easier so they're pretty popular, I've never been so I couldn't say so myself). Then, once you've gotten most/all the good stuff, you can TR and go Dark. This is doubly good, because a Monk -> Monk TR is perhaps one of the best TR's in the game due to the active feat which increases your fists' damage die by one step.
    I agree completely. I have a capped light monk and it was an absolute blast to play through all the content (excluding epic). I went wis/ dex with all my level ups in wis. With +10 stunners on and in water stance his stunning fist dc is in the mid 40s and his healing ki hits for around 30-35. I went half-elf with the cleric dilly for scroll healing and raise dead. I took Grand Master of Storms and in air stance his attack speed is amazing. Like I said... a blast to play.

    There's a bit of a learning curve with all the finishing moves and such, so going light is definitely good choice for your first monk. The Fists of Light finisher makes for a very survivable character.

  10. #10
    Community Member Nephilia's Avatar
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    This is what I created so far:

    Race: Human

    Stat: 16/15/15/8/14/8

    Skill: 1 tumble, 3 jump(lv up), 4 move silently(lv up), 4 balance(lv up), 4 conc(lv up).

    1: toughness
    1(monk): stunning fist
    1(human): TWF
    2(monk): dodge
    3: power attack
    3(monk): path of inevitable dominion
    6: toughness
    6(monk): toughness <---- at lev 6 can't get anything else usefull -_-
    9: weapon focus: bludgeoning
    12: ITWF
    15: improved critical slashing
    18: GTWF

    Enhancement: here's the hardest part... I really dunno what the hell I've to take T__T
    I tried to build a monk with my builder but I never unlocked the finisher (500 damage/hit dark monk). I really need help here

    EDIT: I'd thank everyone is helping me
    EDIT2: Thanks for suggestions guy but I really dislike the light path (even if is easier to play) and the dark monk one is similar to the character from what I'm getting inspirations for my toon :P but really really really thank you anyway
    Last edited by Nephilia; 07-25-2011 at 07:34 AM.

  11. #11
    Community Member elg582's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nephilia View Post
    This is what I created so far:

    Race: Human

    Stat: 16/15/15/8/14/8 Might switch STR and DEX; need 17 DEX for iTWF, and +1 tomes are much easier to get

    Skill: 1 tumble, 3 jump(lv up), 4 move silently(lv up), 4 balance(lv up), 4 conc(lv up).

    1: toughness
    1(monk): stunning fist
    1(human): TWF
    2(monk): dodge
    3: power attack
    3(monk): path of inevitable dominion
    6: toughness
    6(monk): toughness <---- at lev 6 can't get anything else usefull -_-Stunning blow? Dragonmarks? More HP is always nice, but there are plenty of other things to get
    9: weapon focus: bludgeoning Why?
    12: ITWF Take this at 9; TWF line is your DPS
    15: improved critical slashing I hope you meant for this to be bludgeoning, and take it at 12
    18: GTWF Take this at 15

    Enhancement: here's the hardest part... I really dunno what the hell I've to take T__T
    I tried to build a monk with my builder but I never unlocked the finisher (500 damage/hit dark monk). I really need help here
    Enhancements: Start with your jump and tumble (you'll need them for ninja, and they eat the first couple of AP so you can get good stuff), then animal path (I like turtle), healing enhancement, sun and earth stances, etc.

    To get touch of death, you have to have all of the elemental debuff hits (porous soul, etc); you can check the "show unavailable" box in the enhancement window to see all of them, and then hover over it to see the prerequisites.

  12. #12
    Community Member Nephilia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elg582 View Post
    Enhancements: Start with your jump and tumble (you'll need them for ninja, and they eat the first couple of AP so you can get good stuff), then animal path (I like turtle), healing enhancement, sun and earth stances, etc.

    To get touch of death, you have to have all of the elemental debuff hits (porous soul, etc); you can check the "show unavailable" box in the enhancement window to see all of them, and then hover over it to see the prerequisites.
    I got a +3 dex tome
    This is the reason for starting with 15 dex

    About feats:
    lv 6: dragonmark? which one?
    Stunning blow... I didn't notice it should be usefull for a monk, nice tip here, ty
    lv9-lv12-lv15-lv18: my builder unlock ITWF at 11 (maybe I mischeck something). in this case ITWF at 9 and IC: bludgeon (slashing was an error ofc ) at 12, GTWF at 15 but then... what I would take at 18?!
    (as u can easily see when I said "I know lesser than nothing about monks" I was not exaggerate!! XD

  13. #13
    Community Member Nephilia's Avatar
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    And this is what I've created!
    Suggestions and critics are really appreciated, ty

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.9.1 
    DDO Character Planner Home Page  
    Pesticciolo De Tumoris 
    Level 20 Lawful Neutral Human Male 
    (20 Monk) 
    Hit Points: 326 
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 15/15/20/2525 
    Fortitude: 15 
    Reflex: 16 
    Will: 16 
                  Starting    Feat/Enhancement 
    Abilities    Base Stats    Modified Stats 
    (32 Point)    (Level 1)      (Level 20) 
    Strength           16                24 
    Dexterity          16                18 
    Constitution       14                16 
    Intelligence        8                 8 
    Wisdom             14                18 
    Charisma            8                 8 
    Tomes Used 
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7 
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7 
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7 
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7 
                  Starting      Feat/Enhancement 
                 Base Skills  Modified Skills 
    Skills       (Level 1)      (Level 20) 
    Balance            7              31 
    Bluff              -1             -1 
    Concentration      6              38 
    Diplomacy          -1             -1 
    Disable Device     n/a            n/a 
    Haggle             -1             -1 
    Heal               2              4 
    Hide               3              8 
    Intimidate         -1             -1 
    Jump               6              31 
    Listen             2              4 
    Move Silently      7              27 
    Open Lock          n/a            n/a 
    Perform            n/a            n/a 
    Repair             -1             -1 
    Search             -1             -1 
    Spot               2              4 
    Swim               3              7 
    Tumble             4              7 
    Use Magic Device   n/a            n/a 
    Level 1 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+4) 
    Skill: Concentration (+4) 
    Skill: Jump (+3) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+4) 
    Skill: Tumble (+1) 
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Stunning Fist 
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness 
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting 
    Level 2 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Dodge 
    Level 3 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness 
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack 
    Level 4 (Monk) 
    Ability Raise: STR 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 5 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 6 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Feat: (Selected) Stunning Blow 
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness 
    Level 7 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentrration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 8 (Monk) 
    Ability Raise: STR 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 9 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting 
    Level 10 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 11 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 12 (Monk) 
    Ability Raise: STR 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons 
    Level 13 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 14 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 15 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting 
    Level 16 (Monk) 
    Ability Raise: STR 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 17 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 18 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness 
    Level 19 (Monk) 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Level 20 (Monk) 
    Ability Raise: STR 
    Skill: Balance (+1) 
    Skill: Concentration (+1) 
    Skill: Jump (+1) 
    Skill: Move Silently (+1) 
    Enhancement: Monk Serenity 
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I 
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I 
    Enhancement: Static Charge 
    Enhancement: Ten Thousand Stars 
    Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I 
    Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise II 
    Enhancement: Touch of Death 
    Enhancement: Porous Soul 
    Enhancement: All-Consuming Flame 
    Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery I 
    Enhancement: Monk Ninja Spy I 
    Enhancement: Monk Ninja Spy II 
    Enhancement: Void Strike I 
    Enhancement: Void Strike II 
    Enhancement: Void Strike III 
    Enhancement: Void Strike IV 
    Enhancement: Unbalancing Strike 
    Enhancement: Winter's Touch 
    Enhancement: Adept of Wind 
    Enhhancement: Grandmaster of Storms 
    Enhancement: Master of Thunder 
    Enhancement: Adept of Rock 
    Enhancement: Master of Stone 
    Enhancement: Adept of Flame 
    Enhancement: Grandmaster of the Sun 
    Enhancement: Master of Bonfires 
    Enhancement: Adept of Rain 
    Enhancement: Master of the Sea 
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I 
    Enhancement: Improved Jump I 
    Enhancement: Improved Jump II 
    Enhancement: Improved Tumble I 
    Enhancement: Improved Tumble II 
    Enhancement: Monk Wisdom I 
    Enhancement: Monk Wisdom II

  14. #14
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nephilia View Post
    I got a +3 dex tome
    This is the reason for starting with 15 dex

    About feats:
    lv 6: dragonmark? which one?
    Stunning blow... I didn't notice it should be usefull for a monk, nice tip here, ty
    lv9-lv12-lv15-lv18: my builder unlock ITWF at 11 (maybe I mischeck something). in this case ITWF at 9 and IC: bludgeon (slashing was an error ofc ) at 12, GTWF at 15 but then... what I would take at 18?!
    If you have a +3 DEX tome you can use, save it for your second TR, and go Monk-?-Monk (and use it on the second Monk) with the question mark being something which benefits you. Paladin gives +5% healing amp, barbarian gives 10 HP, another Monk gives more Monk experiences and another +1 to damage (passive, the active is takable once regardless of how many TR's you do, passive stacks 3 times) while Fighter gives +1 to attack. Don't waste it on a 32-point build unless you're CERTAIN you'll NEVER TR it, or keep it capped long enough to ensure the acquisition of a second +3 DEX tome.

    Level 6: 2nd Toughness is fine, you have three bonus feats plus many granted feats as you progress.

    ITWF/GTWF: +2 DEX tome is needed for both at 15 DEX. 16 DEX means you can get them with a +1 tome, but it also means you can get 18 DEX for GM Wind with a +2 tome.
    Your BAB for feats is 3/4 progression-ITWF requires a 6 BAB, which you get at level 8 (you can take ITWF at level 9) and GTWF requires a BAB of 11 (which you don't get until level 15)
    Last edited by Habreno; 07-26-2011 at 08:56 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
    Welcome to Argo, where our end game players are constantly striving for new and exciting ways to make themselves more gimp, and continually working towards progressively more pointless goals.
    BYOH. Know it, abide by it, or don't mess with those who do.

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