I'm looking at crafting for T3 of my LIT II GreatSword for my WF Pally, who will be TRing as a Lord of the Blades FvS, and questioning the common addition of Lighting Blast vs 20% Electric Absorption. Being that it's a non-evasion toon with a mediocre reflex save, I'm questioning whether the added damage to mobs outweighs the reduction of incoming damage when running High/Epic level quests since a similar toon seems to eat more than his fair share of (chain)lighting bolts lately.
From what I see I am giving up:
22 damage for the crit effect (average over 20 swings)
14 damage for the vorpal effect
which seems like nothing given the HP the standard mob has in end game
What I possibly gain:
Reduction of 15+ HP of damage each time I eat an electrical spell/trap (given the numbers I've seen most often) after 30 resist is factored in.
So am I crazy to be questioning this? Or with the introduction of epic electrical damage is it worth considering the change to the standard T3 formula now for a non-evasion toon?
Discussion/Insight/Feedback would be appreciated.
(btw - for those wondering the Lighting Strike effect is still present on both weapons - otherwise what's the point - and the cost in larges is a matter of 4stones/5shrapnel vs 6 stones/3shrapnel so that's pretty much a wash).