Well, you do certainly have one thing going for you. Being a Llama character, you can access a LOT of free Turbine points via Sir Poincelot. Forget how much it is per day, but it's enough that you can easily LR yourself once every 7 days to change things up.
This will allow you to fully test the waters as both Light and Dark before committing to one on the live server. The only drawback is the waiting a week for re-LRing if you decide you don't like your particular setup.
Levelling up, here's some minor advice I can offer you:
Light - save ki and blur yourself before big fights. Every little bit helps. Then fists of light x 3 and healing ki yourself as often as you can.
Dark - shadow fade as often as you can, and fists of darkness / spam ki strikes. The faster you kill things, the less damage you take.
For either route, at 7+ keep in mind you can meditate while invis (if Dark, sneaking alone will increase your +ki regeneration). This has helped me numerous times when in trouble solo - find a safe place, invis, meditate to 10+ ki, and then self-heal. As mine was Human, I also picked up Dimension Door - being able to instantly teleport out of any potentially lethal area, and fully heal up, was a godsend. That and it allowed me to solo dungeons most others couldn't. Fun stuff.
Good luck trying out builds
Hope you enjoy your Monk.