Remember when (in the early 70s, I think) you were the DM for your kids and a couple of their friends? AD&D had just come out and there was actually an entire volume for the dungeon masters guide. What power!
And then when your grandkids started playing, and the uber birthday and Christmas gifts were always another volume of the rules? What a cool granddad they had!
Well, if you do remember that, you might really enjoy swapping tales, and running quests, with The Elder Gods. Even if you don't, but are in that age bracket, you might find running with The Elders more comfortable than trying to comprehend the latest generation in this game.
Currently the youngest member of the guild is 60, and the oldest is 69. I missed signing up the 73 year old computer geek, he had already joined another guild. We are looking for retirees, parents/grandparents, and balding DMs; players with life experience who treat a game as a game.
If you are interested, drop an in-game mail to Recruiter on the Cannith server.