Im still leveling my twf warchanter with full trapskills (hes not my main char and Im more of a casual player, so it will take some time), currently 11 bard 2 rogue 1 fighter. I calculated Id be pretty tight on skills if I take another fighter level at 16 or 17, plus as a human he doesnt really need the feat from the 2nd fighter level. So im pondering about just taking a 17th level of bard to slightly increase mana pool, songs, and spell durations.
The only extra feat worth taking seems to be Khopesh proficiency, and since most of my resources (plat, ingredients) are going to my main, Im planning to equip the bard mainly with cannith craft (Holy silver LOB etc.) weapons. I already bought a silver scimitar and a silver kukri for him, which were a LOT cheaper than silver khopesh blanks would be. Is it viable to stick to scimi/kukri instead of going khopesh? At least I wouldnt get an oversized penalty...
current feats:
Power Attack
planned feats for 15 and 18: