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  1. #1
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Default Slapped around like a ragdoll.

    For some reason my monk seems to just be squishy when it comes to anything like an orc ogre troll, (something with an axe.) He can duke it out with legions of kobolds, drow, humans, anything but when it comes to that type of creature suddenly the hp drops in bursts of 30 quick.

    Is their any way to beef em up so that he can take on these hairy monsters? He's got his heavy fort on, ok gear, stats are ok,(str based) but even with fort will and reflex all up there in 20 to 21, 36AC it just doesn't cut it.
    Last edited by goodspeed; 07-24-2011 at 03:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Arsont's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodspeed View Post
    For some reason my monk seems to just be squishy when it comes to anything like an orc ogre troll, (something with an axe.) He can duke it out with legions of kobolds, drow, humans, anything but when it comes to that type of creature suddenly the hp drops in bursts of 30 quick.

    Is their any way to beef em up so that he can take on these hairy monsters? He's got his heavy fort on, ok gear, stats are ok,(str based) but even fully fulled with fort will and reflex all up there in 20 to 21, 36dr it just doesn't cut it.
    I never liked fighting giantish races. I find usually the best way to combat them is to attempt to avoid their cleaves and get around behind them. While it's a bit of work at times, at least it -feels- like I'm taking less damage. If you can stun or trip them, that helps quite a bit as well.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Talon_Oakenleaf's Avatar
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    Stun, stun and stun. That way they cannot hit you. My strength based monk seems to be ok when fighting them but I stun, quivering palm and trip. Maybe that is the difference? Oh yeah if your high enough in lvl try earth wind fire attack to make them dance for a finisher, that helps to.

  4. #4
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    36dr it just doesn't cut it.
    Umm what?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    Umm what?
    I think he might just mean AC.

  6. #6
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OsOscarius View Post
    I think he might just mean AC.
    Heh ya was thinking of another game for a second there.

  7. #7
    Dual-Wielder of Halflings DevHead's Avatar
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    Use paralyzers. Those things have low Will saves, so just get some paralyzers with Bleed/Pure Good on 'em and you're golden. Or +10 Stunners with a burst effect.
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  8. #8
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    I have a lvl 10 monk dex build. To get the big guys you can do several things. Bumbing dex means you will get hit less and evade more paired with strength or con bleeding handwraps and they go down pretty fast. If you paid into UMD blur wands are helpful.

  9. #9
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Paralyzers and Trip at the mid level, and Stuns at higher levels are best. Paralyzers are fairly expensive at ML:10, but cheaper at ML:12.

    Also watch the mobs animations. When you see them preparing to do their triple hit, move to the side, then behind them to avoid it. Monks are very mobile, so this is a great way to avoid damage.

    Blurry and Dusk items, the Blur spell, and the like also help as mentioned.

    I'm assuming you've just started Gianthold or the Lordsmarch quests, and that's where the AC needed to take minimal damage makes a huge jump. Where 36AC would have worked before, now you need a 45 or so to really notice a difference. Monks can achieve it, but only do so if it doesn't cause too much loss of DPS or equipment slot strain.

  10. #10
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    When you spot 'em winding up, get the heck out of the way unless your AC is sky high for the content level.

    its a bit like a minotaur rush - they telegraph that they're going to do it and they're not very good at changing direction once they start. If you don't have CC like stun & trip, then get out of the way by jumping over their heads, tumbling sideways, whatever. Just get out of the way!

    I'd recommend getting out of the way in any case because I've noticed a rather nasty 'feature' of DDO which is something that has started an action is generally going to finish it regardless of what you do. Could be a hireling cleric who won't immediately cast or come to heel till it's finished ineffectually beating on whatever it is with its feeble +0 club of awfulness, or it could be an ogre about to triple crit you.

    Lost count of the number of times I've tripped something only to have it hit me several seconds later while its on the ground. Even happens with spell casters. It can't always be lag and it happens with Trip a lot more than it happens with Stun or paralyze. Mobs affected by stun/paralyze don't seem to carry on hitting/casting, so that's great. Unfortunately they do seem to carry on running all over the map so you can't take advantage of the fact they're stunned or paralyzed... which is sucky.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    I'd recommend getting out of the way in any case because I've noticed a rather nasty 'feature' of DDO which is something that has started an action is generally going to finish it regardless of what you do.
    Very true.

    Just an aside, this is the reason why guards break Fascinate. A mob will continue its last queue'ed up action, regardless of what happens to it in the mean time. If it was planning an attack, it will continue that attack even if it got danced, stunned, paralyzed, fascinated, tripped, or webbed. I'm assuming that the reason why the "disabled" status isn't checked prior to the attack actually going off is to try to reduce lag slightly.

    If a Fascinate hits, then the mob finishes its attack and hits a player, and a guard goes off, now the mob essentially breaks its own fascinate. This is why most party leaders in eVoN6 remind people to take off their guards, though sadly few people listen to that advice.

    Back to the point of this topic, if you land a paralyze/stun/trip on a troll or ogre who's going to use his "triple wham", you'll still want to get out of the way of it before it hits.

  12. #12
    Community Member Reos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dozkal-mo View Post
    Use paralyzers. Those things have low Will saves, so just get some paralyzers with Bleed/Pure Good on 'em and you're golden. Or +10 Stunners with a burst effect.
    This right here is TRUTH. Giantish races are super weak to paralyzing effects. Spam paralysis in wind stance and watch them all drop.

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